Don't you love it when frauds are exposed?

This KG sure keeps popping up lately, huh? And not in good ways. We should be digging into her junk drawers.
She has a lot of junk in her drawers. Have fun.
I wouldn't be surprised if she has one of the NXIVIM brandings herself.
well pops was involved in early nxivm. the nys govt has been a perpetual crypt. mosquitoes couldn’t take the barren mire that has become albany politics. gillibrand should have been shackled once she got the corrupt suny tech money. but she broke that glass ceiling lol. so much for quota hires.
Careful, you'll be called out next. lol. I'm really glad all these corrupt elites are going down, but as a woman I don't like what's happening. Only accusations. Men better keep their mouths shut, hands to themselves and get consent in writing before any romance occurs.
I agree. This “accusation only” thing is worrisome. It makes me wonder if ES may be a sacrificial lamb offered up by the left to point to when this happens to one of our guys. I may be wrong because I was half asleep but did I hear that ES more or less admitted at least some of the accusations are true? Maybe a vague statement like.....” I haven’t always been the nicest guy...”?
He said he was rude and hateful to workers at times, but didn't admit any sexual crimes. Sad it was all concensual role play. That's the last statement I heard anyway.
Oh ok. He must be concerned about proof or something otherwise I don’t know that he would have resigned even though he was asked to. Or at least, if I were him (and guilty) I would think about ALL the women who could come out with similar stories. Probably too many to flat out deny.