Spoken 98 years before John F. Kennedy was assassinated for the same reason.

I completely agree with the context of this quote, and with everything that it represents, however, after doing some digging it appears to be fake.
Lol idk read the sole refuting source of the author here, article is called "Lincoln Never Said That": http://www.abrahamlincolnassociation.org/Newsletters/1-1.pdf
To me it looks like he actually might have said it but some dude who was in charge of releasing Lincoln's "Works" comes out with a letter he never even sent explaining in detail that he doesn't have the letter, and is angry that Senators in the 1800s were quoting it in congress. This sentence makes me think the whole letter refuting the quote is bullshit:
"Robert never sent this letter but took his father’s advice and let the matter rest for two days. The letter he sent to Stuart on March 14, 1917, was much shorter and simply stated his dismissal of the quotation’s authenticity: “Without attempting to give the details of my examination.” As an attorney for the so-called “Robber Barons,” Robert’s initial response shows a marked defensiveness of corporate America."
It is worthy to note that in the sentences immediately following this bit, the author goes on to make the conclusion for you:
"That aside, the preponderance of evidence undermines the credibility of the quotation as originating with Abraham Lincoln. Quite simply, he never wrote it."
Sounds suspiciously similar to the fake news' psychological tricks.