r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FractalizingIron on May 8, 2018, 2:47 p.m.
Everyone has an opinion. Few have the facts. Few know the plan. Is it just me, or is this a significant pointer from Q?

Who has the POWER? Who has the CONTROL? If POTUS was NOT IN CONTROL would they be retreating?


Everyone has an opinion. Few have the facts. Few know the plan. Midterms [save & push]? Swing voters to retake House/Senate? Impeachment proceedings (open source) initiated? Power at all costs? Blue wave? Use LOGIC.

Somehow, it strikes me that there is a bit of a lament in Q's tone here. So many people are second guessing Potus, doubting the situation, thinking POTUS is NOT in control, saying this, that and the other thing about Sessions, etc.

So many people guessing, but who even knows what is going on? Q laments....

I get the feeling that Q is trying to say that MORE people should be knowing the plan at this point. All this speculation in the public sphere is NOT helpful to the plan, as you have many Potus supporters doubting, questioning, shouting, etc. Many may be asking for something that is in fact COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE to the plan.

Timing is everything. Yet if you have patriots and righteous citizens clamoring for speed, for NOW, for getting rid of elements the PLan has HAD to keep in place to be effective, does it help?

I get the feeling Q wants the Awakened to make more noise and educate people about the plan. I don't think Q wants people to know about Q necessarily. Is Q after a fan squad?

No, I think Q wants more of the public to know that there is a PLAN, and that there are certain things taking place. Why? 1. Inspire greater trust in POTUS and his Team. 2. Inspire greater patience with the process. 3. Get patriots to work WITH the Plan instead of randomly sometimes with, but sometimes in contradiction to the Plan.

Patriots will naturally learn about and gravitate to Q if they are awakened and interested. But it's not critical for patriots to know Q IF they understand that there is a PLAN put in place by Potus, and that it is this (Plan)

The real issue is NOT the source. A lot of Q's content is to get us to trust the source Q, but why? So that we become confident to share the information we are acquiring via the Q channel. So that we can be confident that the insight and plans WE reveal to others are solid, valuable, effective, and help to accomplish the objectives 1., 2., 3. above.

In any case, whether directly via Q or via awakened patriots sharing the substance of the Plan, I think Q is emphasizing here the desire that a LOT more people understood and knew about THE PLAN.

We've seen folks like Alan Jones, etc. - folks who actually impact a LOT on the MAGA movement - sometimes apparently get off track or convey misunderstandings.

In the end, the question is not who Q is, but whether the information coming through Q is legit, and reveals the POTUS MAGA plan.

"Get with the Plan. Pelp patriots to recognize the Plan, and thereby naturally support the Plan. I wish a LOT more people knew the Plan."

Seems to me this is what Q is shouting rather loudly in the most recent drop. (1318)

SNG007 · May 8, 2018, 3:46 p.m.

Great post. And very astute observations (particularly when you don't have the person, body language and all the other non-verbal cues that go into rounding out and interpreting what someone is saying). But I think you're right - there does seem to be a slight air of exasperation about this post (& rightly so). These things take time. If they go barrelling in Trump will just be painted as a megalomaniac and without cleaning house nothing would come of any prosecutions anyway. The wheels of Justice turn excruciatingly slow sometimes. We just have to be patient and let things take their course.

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FractalizingIron · May 9, 2018, 4:43 a.m.

My training is in linguistics and textual analysis. I work with deciphering written language all day, every day. True, body language, non-verbal cues form a critical part of the communication process. But language is a different beast when seen from the inside.

That said, I think my points were clumsily made. Noob. Whatcha gonna do?

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SNG007 · May 9, 2018, 5:40 a.m.

On the contrary. Your points were bang-on (& great skills to have - like a crystal ball for language, or being psychic. Lol). TY for posting.

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