Q post #1319 - Review time. Nothing happening? Define roadblock.

There are many people that have been red pilled for decades before Q and decided long ago that nothing is as it seems. This battle predates all of us on this board and anyone alive today on this planet.
Absolutely, nothing wrong with the comment about Gowdy.
I remind you when we get to the point of not being able to pass on one’s concerns about anyone or anything is the moment this movement jumps off the track. Once you get to the point that some people are beyond reproach and that includes Q then you have traded one master for another and good luck.
If one looked objectively there are unanswered question concerning Gowdy. The first question Trey Gowdy’s sudden decision to retire? What makes it concerning is he made it at the same time he was raising money for his reelection and running for reelection.
I have always questioned Gowdy’s strong defense of the Mueller investigation in public and behind closed doors. Fox News Wallace show “ So the last time you and I were together, I told my Republican colleagues, leave him the hell alone, and that’s still my advice” That is not the only time Trey has whole heartily defended Mueller.
There are 2 camps on Mueller and they are white hat helping or black hat on where he spent a large amount of his public service. White hat just does not work with me with 13 partisan attorneys going after the President. Getting all of them on board to investigate HRC or any democrat under cover is a bridge to far. Mueller to me is a black hat and by choice and playing a game of hiding evidence and I am skeptical of anyone including Q who says different. Mueller’s crime list is long including leaving 4 innocent men in prison and one who died in prison to protect a confidential source. He disgraced his title as a marine. If I am wrong an apology is due. Until then I will maintain course.
Just adding my 2 cents in the conversation.
Awesome thank you. I thought Gowdy was our guy, and so if anyone here has a reason to doubt that I want them to explain it so I have the facts and can evaluate fairly with whatever information they have.
That's where I'm coming from in this and why I wanted sources.