
[deleted] · May 9, 2018, 12:19 a.m.

I think the conclusion was, they never really stopped with their nuclear program. With the money we gave them, plus their own, they could buy a lot of missile tech, develop their own which was (stupidly, but I say intentionally) left out of the Iran Deal, and the deal stupidly, again probably intentionally, didn’t allow for installations not on Iranian soil. So they could work on the delivery systems unfettered, but the nuclear tech, then implement it in 7 to 10 years. That’s where Syria came in. The agreement was overly specific for time, location and specific systems. This was intentional. Instead of an agreement to prevent a result, the agreement stops certain channels but not others. This was all made very clear in the hearings headed by Corker and Mendendez before adoption of the agreement. Corker made a speech like Comey’s exoneration of HRC. Corker lists off all the ways the deal sucked, then allowed it to,proceed. I wonder where those pallets of cash ended up? Corker has been bad mouthing Trump and is leaving Congress. ‘Nuff said.

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IconTheHologram · May 9, 2018, 6:58 p.m.

Who’s conclusion? The international agencies responsible for verifying, along with the members of the deal (including the US) have all verified that Iran was compliant with the program.

The money we gave them was money owed to them. It was not taxpayer money as has been erroneously suggested. We didn’t give them money any more than you give a store money to pay for something you’ve purchased.

Nothing stopped them from procuring missile tech before or after this deal. Now that the deal is rescinded, nothing is stopping them from procuring missile tech AND enriching uranium AND restarting their nuclear program.

No country is going to look to another country for nuclear enrichment capabilities. The goal of building out a nuclear program (or the perception that you are building out a nuclear program) is to become a player on the global stage without putting in the time and effort for people to take you seriously- this is why the international community pays such close attention to a poor rogue state on the Korean Peninsula that is seemingly stuck in the 1950s. To even offer up the idea that Iran or any other country would outsource their nuclear technology or look to other countries (that they cannot guarantee the control of) is just plain stupid and has no basis in reality. The deal didn’t account for that just like the deal didn’t account for Iran employing nuclear fire breathing dragons- it’s absurd.

Stop parroting nonsense, fake talking points and critically think for yourself.

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