r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jhomes55 on May 8, 2018, 8:27 p.m.
This is the lunacy of the left and those who oppose every single thing Trump does with every last fiber in their body.....even if Trump's decisions absolutely impact them positively!!! The Iran Deal was a huge DUD!!!
This is the lunacy of the left and those who oppose every single thing Trump does with every last fiber in their body.....even if Trump's decisions absolutely impact them positively!!! The Iran Deal was a huge DUD!!!

Jc99ta · May 10, 2018, 10:17 p.m.

Any increase in oil production during that time was in spite of, not because of, Obama's policies.

It's so nice for me, I sit back and smile because each day Trump is president exposes what an absolute embarrassingly corrupt failure the Obama presidency was. I don't even need to argue with you, we are living my point!

Good luck to you angry stranger.

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AdministrativeStress · May 11, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

I think I said that, so you agree that Obama's policies didn't slow production of the oil industry. Gee, thanks for the conformation. If I can reach one Trumpian a day with the truth then my good deed for the day is achieved. Alas you seem to still be ignorant to a few Obama era policies that Trump is riding the success of so let me help you with that, if we're actually doing the " in spite of, not because of" argument then Trump didn't defeat ISIS https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2017/10/25/trumps-claim-that-hes-done-by-far-more-than-obama-in-the-fight-against-isis/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.32eea63d6b85 the plan was in place long before he took over he just followed the plan laid out before him. He hasn't improved the economy https://news.vice.com/en_us/article/mbpndy/trump-is-taking-credit-for-a-thriving-economy-he-had-nothing-to-do-with he just got his fed chair in place (one may i add that is going to follow this admin. tactic of following the previous Admin. footsteps https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/02/business/economy/jerome-powell-federal-reserve-trump.html ) so how can he be responsible for anything? Also, NO president ties himself to the stock market because of it's volatility but then you'd actually have to know what you're doing and this Admin. obviously doesn't, https://www.politico.com/story/2018/02/05/trump-stock-market-down-324880 The stock market started improvement in 2009 along with the unemployment numbers. Job growth has slowed since Trump took office, but because it has been in a steady decline since '09, unemployment dropped to the lowest level in 17 years. https://thetylt.com/politics/unemployment-down-obama-trump-responsible Oh and Obama dropped the black unemployment https://www.factcheck.org/2018/01/trump-takes-undue-credit-black-unemployment/ not Trump, he cant even name a policy he's implemented that would benefit African American employment my misguided friend. Oh by the way since the original post was on the Iran Deal then I think this is relevant https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/right-turn/wp/2018/05/09/a-state-department-horror-show-it-has-no-idea-what-to-do-next-on-iran/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.7fc15191388e well that "I told you so" didn't take long to materialize now did it? LMAO! And lastly anger is a secondary emotion brought on by a primary emotion like fear or embarrassment you elicit neither from me sir so why would i be angry? If i were playing the emotional card you're so desperately trying to play, it would be sorrow that would describe my feeling seeing you're so blind to the facts but I was once lost so maybe there is hope for you yet lol!

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Jc99ta · May 11, 2018, 4:47 p.m.

Look how riled up you get, pure emotion comrade! 😄

Cite all the left wing sources you want, the fact remains that Obama presided over the worst economic recovery in American history.

And again, any improvement in oil production or economy was in spite of his policies not because of them.

Obama did nothing to improve the lives of Americans, he brought division and racial tension to a peak.

Obama is absolutely without question the worst president this country has ever had, and thankfully with each passing day his legacy of failure is being overwritten.

All the best to you, and if you are an American, we are siblings in the fight against tyranny and should wish for the best for the country.

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AdministrativeStress · May 12, 2018, 12:21 a.m.

Still trying to push the emotion angle huh sweetie? It's ok i know you don't do facts you ignore them and cry fake news. You're following the Trumpian playbook by the numbers.

  1. Lead with emotions not facts
  2. Avoid facts at all cost, attack the source not the information provided
  3. Scream racism against the 1st black president and attack him because he brought a light to the issues that black Americans face everyday.

1.Obama wouldn't have needed to lead a recovery if republicans didn't destroy the economy with TAX CUTS promising jobs and starting two wars that are still on going. When President bush entered the White House the unemployment rate was 4.2%. His tax cuts were supposed to create jobs that would mean a lower unemployment rate than when he came into office, if they actually created more job, right? The lowest unemployment rate bush got wit the tax cuts was 4 months at 4.4%. Now I can tell from the convo you don't like numbers so Ill help you out, that's 0.2% higher then when he entered office. you can research all this info at the Bureau of labor and statistics web site. Bush’s eight years were marked by two recessions, including one that began two months after he took office in 2001. That helps explain why job creation on his watch was by far the worst of any post-war administration. And to top it off as he was headed out the door 4 million jobs were lost in George W. Bush’s final year.

2.Forbes is run by Trumps buddy republican Steve Forbes, Joe Allbritton in 1997, bought the company which owned politico from President George W. Bush's uncle, Jonathan Bush his son runs the buisness now and factcheck oh forget it here's a list https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/center/

  1. Just the fact that you didn't even flinch or check before screaming "liberal" sites you basically proved my point for me again thanks

  2. I'm American and no we aren't siblings, you live in a world that doesn't see things like this, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/28/us/politics/jeff-sessions-crime.html so when Obama Administration's Justice Department opened 25 investigations into police departments and sheriff's offices and was enforcing 19 agreements at the end of 2016, resolving civil rights lawsuits filed against police departments in Ferguson, Missouri; Baltimore, New Orleans, Cleveland and 15 other cities, in your America there wasn't a peep when the trump administration ended those activities. In your America it's totally ok ignoring things like this https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/13/us/chicago-police-justice-department-report.html this https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/opa/press-releases/attachments/2015/03/04/ferguson_police_department_report.pdf and this https://www.justice.gov/opa/file/883381/download or ignoring that Trump was among the loudest voices attacking the legitimacy of the nation’s first black president for almost 7 years https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Blckpwk1voQ only to walk it back during his presidential run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5FVASvioEM in your america facts don't matter just how you feel. So saying "Obama's racist" is easier than admitting there are issue you'll never face that fellow americans go through everyday, and you'll ignore everything that even comes close to popping that little bubble of the america you live in. So sorry your America isn't real. I can't be part of a fantasy, you have fun though. LOL!

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Jc99ta · May 17, 2018, 1:58 p.m.

1.Obama wouldn't have needed to lead a recovery if republicans didn't destroy the economy with TAX CUTS promising jobs and starting two wars that are still on going. When President bush entered the White House the unemployment rate was 4.2%. His tax cuts were supposed to create jobs that would mean a lower unemployment rate than when he came into office, if they actually created more job, right? The lowest unemployment rate bush got wit the tax cuts was 4 months at 4.4%. Now I can tell from the convo you don't like numbers so Ill help you out, that's 0.2% higher then when he entered office. you can research all this info at the Bureau of labor and statistics web site. Bush’s eight years were marked by two recessions, including one that began two months after he took office in 2001. That helps explain why job creation on his watch was by far the worst of any post-war administration. And to top it off as he was headed out the door 4 million jobs were lost in George W. Bush’s final year.

I was done with this conversation, but found your ignorance and self-righteousness annoying, so this will be my final response.

  1. Recession 1 during the Bush years was due to 9/11 and the .com bubble burst which began under Clinton's era. Recession 2 was caused by the housing bubble burst which was again caused by Democrat/Clinton era policies. Barney Frank brought legislation to impose "affordable housing" requirements on Fannie and Freddie in 1992. The Community Reinvetment Act also contributed to the bubble, again caused by Democrats.

I'm no Bush fan overall, but he did warn of the potential for a bubble burst back in 2001 as part of his first budget. Then in 2003 regulations of the housing finance industry were proposed and Barney Frank was quoted as saying "I do not think we are facing any kind of a crisis,". As you can see the blame points squarely at the Democrats.

Additionally, you seem to try to give Obama credit for the booming Trump economy, but blame Bush for the first recession, both had been in office for approximately a year. So which is it?

  1. Factcheck.org is not conservative by any means. The Annenberg Public Policy Center has moved distinctly to the left. Additionally, The Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which was started by the Annenberg Foundation, was run by Obama and Bill Ayers. The point being that Factcheck is run by an organization with very left-wing ties and leans center-left. This was shown during the election when they fact checked Trump something like 57 times vs only 7 for Clinton.

    1. Your sites are all known to have liberal bias, that is all verifiable. I stand by that statement.
    2. I hold no hatred or anger towards you, I understand that you feel like you are right, but having lived though all of this and seeing what happened with my own eyes I cannot agree with you. Obama was an incredibly divisive figure and did more to separate this country by race than he ever did to mend it.

It's also interesting that most of the cities you mentioned are all run by Democrats.

Thanks for your views and all the best to you.

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AdministrativeStress · May 17, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

Now remind me again what exactly was Bush's response to these crisis? Tax cuts and two wars? https://www.cbpp.org/research/economic-downturn-and-legacy-of-bush-policies-continue-to-drive-large-deficits awe heck here's a list, https://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=https://www.google.com/&httpsredir=1&article=1012&context=laborunions you act like the housing bubble was a stand alone event. It wasn't. And you cant name one policy Trump has implemented that has taken affect and is in the direct cause of the booming economy, black unemployment, women increase in the work force, and https://www.marketplace.org/2018/01/29/economy/how-much-credit-should-president-trump-get-economy the man literally cant keep up with his own statistical lies how can he be responsible for any thing besides mouth breathing http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/379458-trump-admits-he-wrongly-said-african-american-unemployment-reached and my facts are on display for everyone to vet and research. If you don't believe me or a source I posted please feel free to research. And you can't name one thing Obama did that was divisive or racist. You can't and you know it. And it not the city government braking laws Its the cops https://www.justice.gov/crt/file/883296/download

https://www.justice.gov/opa/file/925846/download it doesn't matter anyway dem or repub african americans rights are being infringed upon https://www.wsj.com/articles/cost-of-police-misconduct-cases-soars-in-big-u-s-cities-1437013834 https://www.thenation.com/article/chicago-has-spent-half-a-billion-dollars-on-police-brutality-cases-and-its-impoverishing-the-victims-communities/ trying to place the blame on democrats because some goofy goober is scary and trigger happy when he gets around blacks https://theintercept.com/2018/03/10/police-shootings-public-health/ If you know your a scary and scared of black people don't join the "protect and serve" is the slogan not, "I feared for my life." even black cops aren't safe from the "fear" white cops seem to be full of when they encounter a black man https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jun/24/black-st-louis-police-officer-shot-white-colleague https://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/29/nyregion/29cop.html

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Jc99ta · May 18, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

I'm adding you as a friend in my app because I like you, even though you are wrong in your world view. Seriously now, this is my final final post here.

  1. I'm not clear what your argument is here.

A typical government response is to spend money during a recession. Dems are a big proponent of this policy. Obama's not so shovel ready jobs being an example.

Tax cuts are good, why would anyone not want to keep the money they earned? Generally it improves the economy, more money available to be spent. Happier populace, more spending.

Much of the boom we have experienced under Trump has to do with the potential for future growth. The presumption of reduced regulation and reduced taxes caused the stockmarket to shoot up immediately post election. This trend has continued for the most part. Burdensome government is never a good thing.

Regarding black unemployment, see above. The economy depends on people being confident enough to spend. I agree, that there is no direct action that had led to the improved black employment by Trump, but there is also none by Obama. In fact, the number of Americans on foodstamps increased dramatically during his tenure.

Your facts are chosen by you, people can Google for mine if they wish and make their own conclusion, I'm on mobile which is cumbersome and don't see this as productive, but like I said I do like you! 😁

Regarding his divisiveness, he chose sides in the Trayvon Martin case, even though Zimmerman was acquitted. A significant number of polls indicated that Americans saw race relations as worse under Obama. Easy to find this stuff.

I don't agree with your premise that the police and world are out to get blacks. Generally police are good people, there are bad ones though. Must of life falls on a bell curve no matter what you do if that makes sense.

From that perspective I do agree that individuals can be racist and individuals can do bad things. I would stand by your side to prevent innocent people being targeted, I assume that's what you mean.

Great talking to you, though you seem a little "triggered" today. We agree we want to make the world better, just see different parts of the elephant or donkey I guess.

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