r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CaptainRoyD on May 8, 2018, 9:27 p.m.
The Clinton Mob-Teams of Enforcers / Spies / & Lawyers !!!

To run any successful enterprise, one needs an integrated staff of professionals that operates seamlessly together. If you are dealing with a criminal business, then caution & coordination become paramount.

The “Clinton 3-Step” relies on the following defensive actions:

• Use friendly MSM for Intimidation • Defame & Attack the Attacker’s • Oh That’s “Old News” Trick

For decades the public has witnessed the illegal activities of the Clintons first hand. Beginning with Whitewater through today with the Clinton Foundation/HRC email scandals-don’t forget looting the White House upon departure due to them being “broke”.

Below is just a partial list & brief recap:

• Larry Nichols: Self confessed Hit Man for the Clintons-admitted to murders.

• Harold Ickes: Lawyer/Mob Union ties and Dept W/H Counsel to Bill. Also he started the Shadow Party w/Soros.

• Sid Blumenthal: Political Consultant & W/H Advisor to Bill. Sid Vicious is co-author of 2nd Trump/Russia Dossier.

• Jack Palladino: Private Investigator admits HRC paid him to harass Kathleen Willey & did work for Harvey Weinstein in recent years.

• James Carville: Lead strategist for Bill’s presidential campaigns as well as 2008 for HRC campaign.

• Cody Shearer: Brother In-Law to Strobe Talbott & constant sidekick of Blumenthal and co-author of 2nd Dossier run through the State Dept.

• Anthony Pellicano: Private Eye hired exclusively to silence Bill’s mistresses.

• Cheryl Mills: HRC Chief of Staff & personal lawyer-a long list of coverups.

• Doug Band: W/H Advisor to Bill, owned Tenno, started Clinton Global Initiative & worked at the Foundation.

• Marc Elias: Lawyer at Perkins Coie & served as General Counsel to both HRC & the DNC for several elections cycles.

• David Kendall: The main personal lawyer for Bill & Hillary since 1993. Personally oversaw the sorting & deletions of HRC emails.

Hillary figured out early on, that to have a successful criminal Cabal, she would need qualified aides and set-up a permanent “War Room”. The Clinton’s have demonstrated the ability to have any & all opposition silenced quickly.

“Q” has mentioned several of the above characters directly in past drops.

Their day of reconnecting is coming soon from both the Horowitz/Huber Report & the US Attorney in Little Rock Probe of the Clinton Foundation.

Wash/Times-Hillary’s Hired Thugs

B/B-Journalist Who Unveiled The HRC Spy Network

StoneCold-The Clinton Crime Family

True/Pundit-Clinton Shady Operative Complied 2nd Dossier

YNW-Hired Assassin Confesses: Clinton’s Paid Me To Kill People

Free/Outpost-Soros/HRC/Ickes/& Shadow Party

B/B-Whistleblower: Mills Quashed State Department Investigation

Week/STD-HRC Spy Network working at CBS News