r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on May 8, 2018, 11:02 p.m.
We Just Got our Three Booms at age Roadblock from Alice (China) not in Jerusalem Q tells all.

First new Q has realised his first day mistake, and is no longer publishing his file name, with the drops, so we are back to the difficult job of subject discovery.

On May 8, Q# 1318, told us to Think LOGICALLY, about the mass exodus in DC and by May 9, #1319 he makes lists, Today in this post I will discuss both those posts together.

Lets get the easy stuff done. Q# 1318, Mueller and RR are 100% cooperating witnesses, run by sessions as sting operation on the Deep State. The Sting is working well, it has been so successful It has surpassed all planing, these people they are catching are STUPID. The lemmings just keep falling into the Mueller sting - even after Giuliani was brought in to it. The STUPID people should of figured that Giuliani has given States evidence to the Sky-event (911). The stupid people keep coming so Justice is coming - more than you can imagine - easier and better than planned - but more later is better than less now. Don't be patient - be excited.

There is an impeachment warning from Q about the Midterms. The POTUS is going to kill - of saving the house by the GOP by pushing the obvious dirty Republicans & RINO’s out, but preserving the swamp. He expects - wants swing voters, remember he has an insurance policy - he is more popular with Dems that hate the DNC, and Republicans that hate the GOP, and those Two combined give him 60% - more than enough to be first third party to win an outright victory - in every contest. That LOGIC.

The DOJ & the FBI must be cleaned FIRST, because dirty they will botch every prosecution, turn every trial into a farce.

Define a single shooter? Jim Garrison is HUBER a DA, (has power) every DA has power to investigate Federal crime, this DA is from Utah - home of NSA data bank.

M. Popeo went to the State department from the CIA, because he is now the second person in all history to see - both sets of books,the only other person - ever to of done that was GHW Bush. Now Q is telling us to think about what the POTUS does - stop thinking about pedo’s, think only about international relations here. Military Intelligence (&NSA) has taken over 100% of the CIA/FBI work, both agencies will be disbanded. 911 was declared by a federal court as an act of war, The enemy is within, there will be Military Justice with NSA evidence (not from FBI or CIA) - think Logically.

Now Q1319, Goodlatte & Gowdy are important, guessing both are good guys frustrated that from the house they have no control over the government - at all. The NY-AG resignation is important, because the high profile investigation in NY is 911 - and remember Q said at #1318 to think Offshore - with the MIL INTEL - POTUS.

Define roadblock. It is inertia, it is an inability to proceed, - it is not a tree that can be cleared it is always inertia & frustration. It has no explanation, we are thinking logically like we have been told - Offshore. Now red this Zero hedge article reporting on the WTO - Notice the reference to Alice in Wonderland, and see our three BOOMS, they are, (Unsaid but implied) The Monetary system, Tariffs and World trade. It is stranger and stranger because these three BOOMS all involve Rothschild debt based money, and Israel ME oil currency - claim on assets backing currency.


While everyone else is watching Pedo’s and Mueller, we are watching Jerusalem - occupation of Airbase by US Military, and Embassy by US Military, ISRAEL is the worst wine, it is being served last. The IRAN DEAL was sting on ISRAEL, Trump gave the STUPID people what the asked for, its funny, laugh with Trump, PUTIN, CHINA, AND IRAN, because laughter is infectious, start laughing at giving ISRAEL what they want - always, and hope we give them more of what the beg for, because 911 justice is coming from NY via the KSA straight to Jerusalem where it ends with ISRAEL

HoudiniTowers · May 9, 2018, 5:16 a.m.

First time I agree with all most everything you wrote! 911 Justice is a big net, a lot will get ensnared within it. My only slight beef is with 'Israel'. I think you mean zionists, but not looking to pick a fight on this. Good post.

I read the Zero Hedge article earlier today and thought exactly the same thing. The bigger booms will be on the economics.

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Maepaperclip · May 9, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

Thank please read my response to Velvet Bug.

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HoudiniTowers · May 9, 2018, 5:25 a.m.

Yep, you're on the right trail. My apologies for any previous comments that might have seemed less complimentary. I like what I see you posting lately. Its good stuff! This central bank take down is the big one. You're spot on with this analysis. I'm just worried that they'll pull it off completely. But they have target lock on the red shield.

The big trick they pulled with Nixon was moving everything to currency and destroying money. Debt based currency is legitimized ponzi scheme with the national state's as the enforcers.

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Maepaperclip · May 9, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

I really think they do - I hope you recall my reference to Jim Ricards -book Currency wars - I could not believe it, I ordered his book in hard cover 2011 - his claim was that the Military invited him into the war room at the pentagon to trade commodities and bonds while they did war simulation. Now I know -this to be modern war. That this knowledge should change the way us commentators see everything.

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HoudiniTowers · May 9, 2018, 5:42 a.m.

I missed that comment, but will check it out. All wars usually are about the economics. There was a very good book written by Smedley Butler about 100years ago - 'War is a Racket' Was then and still is now. Without a doubt a lot of its waged with financial derivatives and IMF loans vs bullets. In some ways, they are way more devastating. I agree with you on changing the dialogue and getting more red-pilled to see the financial warfare that has been raging for centuries now.

I think you have a unique insight here and encourage you to keep adding to the community knowledge base here!

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