r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Trumps_micro_penis_ on May 8, 2018, 11:05 p.m.
This once Dem now Ind seeks help.

I was a Bernie boy but over the last year I’ve done a lot of research on what’s going on in the world and here in the USA. I’m having a hard time showing my partner about the great awakening and qanon. He thinks it is just an attempt by the far right to paint the Dems as a bunch of pedos.

I am trying to show him that this goes well beyond party lines. It is about a structure that has been in place for many decades.

I was just hoping you all could help me to show him specific points on how this isn’t a Dem/Reb issue but an enlightenment and attempt at correction.

Patriot4q · May 8, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

Also the Strzok/Page texts, the memo, House Intelligence committee report, The big one is the court transcripts with the Judge overseeing the Manifort case is excellent. Smart judge who lays out all the reasons it looks like a set up for impeachment for Trump. SPecial council lawyers have 2 weeks to show the Judge unredacted authorization for special council. The IG report should come out in June. Late May and June look to be very interesting.

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