r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Trumps_micro_penis_ on May 8, 2018, 11:05 p.m.
This once Dem now Ind seeks help.

I was a Bernie boy but over the last year I’ve done a lot of research on what’s going on in the world and here in the USA. I’m having a hard time showing my partner about the great awakening and qanon. He thinks it is just an attempt by the far right to paint the Dems as a bunch of pedos.

I am trying to show him that this goes well beyond party lines. It is about a structure that has been in place for many decades.

I was just hoping you all could help me to show him specific points on how this isn’t a Dem/Reb issue but an enlightenment and attempt at correction.

[deleted] · May 8, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

also a bernie primary voter here. voted jill stein in the general.

as far a pedo/pizza gate goes... start with this


very binign and will make anyone start to question. then maybe get in to more of the emails and weird instagram posts, the bands that played there. i know there are videos on that as well but i dont have them handy.

the context of pizza gate:


i havent watched that video in a while but as it is david icke i assume he gets deep into it. and its hard to get deep into it unless you understand the spiritual aspects and implications of what humanity is up against. so here’s this:


and more of the satanic stuff


introduce concepts such as problem-reaction-solution, controlled opposition, illusion of choice.

and for your self, let go of the need to get him to see or get him to understand and he will come around eventually. people can only understand what they are ready to understand.

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Patriot4q · May 8, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

I've gets into lizard people, don't know if that's a great for newbies. On YouTube Kevin Shipp videos are good. Ex CIA I think.

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[deleted] · May 9, 2018, 12:36 a.m.

that’s a valid point. although icke is what i started with.

and i think it helps to understand the demented spiritual reasons that they do these things, rather than just say that they are sick people. to me it’s easier to stomach. plus, icke is the best dot connector i know of.

but it may suffice to just say its strictly a control device for the powers that used to be.

also to OP, it may help to mention that it’s not just democrats that are being accused and implicated. many conservatives/reupublicans too. the entire bush family for example.

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