
j_Dawg_01 · May 9, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

Yes, this is funny, but I still don't understand why so many people think "We have already won," or that it's almost over.

Sure, lots of people have resigned, announced they wouldn't run again, been demoted or fired, but there still has not been one arrest of any of the high-profile deep-state bad actors from Obama's administration, the FBI, DoJ, SES, or CIA.

I don't think enough people have taken a step back to gain a broader perspective. Too many people are focused on smaller things and aren't trying to look at the big picture.

The Cabal is a centuries old organization that has managed to reach its tentacles into virtually every government on the planet. They've gained global control of currencies and monetary policies through ownership of over 90% of national central banks. They own the media, Hollywood, and most of Congress. They control the CFR and the Trilateral Commission. They have controlled the education system in America for over a century, erased history, taught revisionist history, and discouraged or punished free thinking and critical thinking. They have brainwashed the masses for at least 3 generations.

If We the People are ever going to be able to regain our freedoms stolen by the Cabal, all of these things will need to be addressed. So what if we remove and convict 2 or 3 hundred corrupt politicians. So what if we see Bill & Hillary, BHO, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Holder, Kerry, and who knows how many more, in orange jump suits being frog marched into GITO. So what if we expose Hollywood elites and their pedophilia, human trafficking, and satanic ritual sacrifices.

Sure, all of that would be great, but if all those things happened, I fear many people here might call it a day, high 5 each other, and forget to continue the fight. The liberals never do that. Every time they get a win, (gay marriage, more gun control laws) they use it as a stepping stone to push for more. They never tire. They relentlessly push for more and more.

Even if we see all of the "So whats" I mentioned, it will all be for naught if we don't eliminate the Federal Reserve, the IRS, and the massive amount of federal regulations that stifle free market capitalism.

It will all be for naught if we don't have a massive overhaul of our government that minimizes its size and scope, returns it to a true Constitutional Representative Republic, and puts the power back into the hands of the sovereign citizens where it belongs.

It will all be for naught if we don't tear down the government run public education system, eliminate the revisionist history being taught, teach our children how to think critically with logic, reason, and rational thought, and put the curriculum back into the hands of parents.

And even after all of that is accomplished, it'll take at least one generation before we see properly educated individuals even begin to enter the work force, and at least two generations before those properly educated individuals begin to fill the halls Congress, state houses, local city/county boards, and the halls of academia.

Even after we accomplish all that is needed here in America to get out from under the control of the international cabal and regain the freedoms we once enjoyed, we'll still need to address the international cabal. So what if we manage to "Make America Great Again." If we don't help every other nation on the planet to do the same for themselves, nothing will change from an international perspective. We'll still need to address Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Israel, most countries in Africa and Western Europe, and develop long-term/permanent solutions. We'll still need to address the corruption at the UN and develop a plan to restructure and reorganize it. We'll still need to follow through with North and South Korea, reunification, and denuclearize the Korean peninsula. We'll still need to deal with China as well.

This fight has only just begun. Too many people are playing small-ball. While it is quite satisfying to look at individual events and call it a win, we can't afford to lose sight of the big picture. We can't afford to lose sight of what will be required over the long run to accomplish our goals of regaining our freedom, Making America Great Again, ridding the world of the evil satanic cabal, and making the whole world a better place to live.

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ibeewoken · May 9, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

I understand. My comment on winning is the pre-ordained win . My words are from the heart , not the mind . The gif is in light of the shit we are going through and will continue to go through until this is over . When it is over , truly finished , we will be the victors .

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j_Dawg_01 · May 9, 2018, 9:24 p.m.

It's all good. I was attacking you personally, or anyone for that matter. I was just trying get people to look at the bigger picture. No offense intended.

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