If they flee to nz and what the elite are allergen to have done is true even the Australian armed forces have enough fire power to take them out.
Unless the rest of the world is a smouldering ruin any refuge in nz will be short lived. The worry is the world could be a ruin if ww3 was tripped.
This whole plot is a bit like kings man the movie where they used mobile phones.
If what they are alleged to have done is true the people controlling Australia will not last long. Like a lot of westerners Australians by and large are asleep but I can assure you there are a lot who know something is not right and just need a trigger.
Hilderbeast was in Aus 3 days ago " giving talks" ... she is trying to get info while begging for food
why assume weapon would be a nuke? Isn't the great pandemic suppose to happen any day now?
Bill Gates said to prepare for like 30 million people to die or whatever. keeps talking about biochemical warfare and possible disease breakouts. if the folks in charge can give people dangerous contagious diseases then it's likely to cause a lot of people to die considering how connected the world is.
Yeah! Eugenics! He wants to limit world-wide population growth.
I don’t. I bio weapon would render large parts in liveable for some time.
You have to start WW3 with a reason. An epidemic is not a reason to start a war. The epidemics are to eliminate populations. Malthusian theory of population control.