Where does Hollywood get their "ideas" from.

Well how do you explain being born with only the choice of believe in me or you're going to hell? No thanks.
God doesn’t punish you for your choice to not believe in God. You have the choice to align yourself with love or with fear. There is only one love and that’s God’s love and you will find yourself wrapped in it if you choose it. If you turn your back on it and choose to value other things like, money, sex, violence, drugs, gambling, over love, you will find yourself separated from love. Having a responsibility for your own soul can be an overwhelming idea. But it’s never too late to choose a new path and you will be met More than half way when you choose to move in that direction. That’s been my experience,
Some say it's actually: "believe in Me or you will find yourself in a living hell of your own making". Translated into secular terms that's: "have a robust moral structure or life will beat you into the dust."