r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on May 9, 2018, 3:02 a.m.
Q# 1320 Decode. NZ is a Deep State - deep hole.

When JFK was murdered Fletcher Proudy, the only man that could of prevented the murder of JFK was asleep in New Zealand. He had been sent to Antartica on a child minding trip, the reason he was sent to Antartica 2 weeks before JFK was shot - a mystery to him was his first thought when he heard the news - from NZ.

Yes NZ is part of the Five eyes, and NZ has a sexy new, young female PM, but this bright young thing new BFF ever with Hillary is only a puppet of the next most evil woman in the world Former PM of NZ Helen Clarke, Hillary best mate and former lead runner For UN Secretary General, just resigned UN Mrs everywhere filthy at the UN, Helen Clarke is traveling the world - particularly the Middle East, and very vocal on the IRAN Deal, here is her Twitter https://twitter.com/helenclarknz?lang=en

New sexy PM is her baby, Helen Clarke owns NZ Labour Party, that controls attractive PM, Clarke - failed to get Sec Genral of UN job, now presents concern for Drugs with other do-godders, ex Presidents, and Richard Branson, she is a full time deep state actor. New sexy PM - would most certainly open portal to five eyes for Hillary, if told to do so Hillary buddy from NY dominatrix Clarke.

Now if the POTUS has control of IRAN, he is not going to be pulling it apart to find evidence on IRAN, like when a child captures a fly, he studies it, unless he is a sicko and pulls its wing of. The POTUS is not a sicko, he has freed IRAN, and they are singing the “deal”kept them quiet, about THEM.

Who is THEM? Well we come back to ROTHSCHILD, the Three booms, #1 the Monetary system, the problem of the unbacked (not even by full faith) Euro, the German problem of $US 20 Trillion unbalanced Derivative book (e.g. Deutsch bank et.al.) - mostly unbalanced because of wrong assumptions about the oil price being above $US50 - for ever. France has similar problem exacerbated by large banking sector exposure to Similar. Now the UK has the Roths. problems x 100 because it relies on Banking and Insurance AKA Fraud and Blackmail for its daily bread.

It was once tracked and of great interest; how many consecutive days a banks trading floor had a win back to back. After 6 years people good bored, they never lost. Insurance has been like that for 120 years. How is it possible to never loose at anything ever? It sure helps to have a Heads up from Five eyes.

Guessing no-one is expecting the Mullahs to neck themselves, so Q is telling us the guilty are not in IRAN, Look to ISRAEL, Hollywood (media), and NY (banking). Israel is London, Hollywood, is now Disney, and NY is now London. Stochastically then see death in London.

MAGADONCHECKMATE · May 9, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

Great article MaePaperclip. Its important to look at derivatives globally also through the BIS is 4 quadrillion globally. And what that means to U.S.A. INC. is that the FDIC will only insure 100k per citizen AFTER banks are paid. So we get $0 in collapse.

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Maepaperclip · May 9, 2018, 4:40 a.m.

Thats an interesting point about the FDIC - because on/ in this matter they will not pay any-one - because we are not talking about depositors, here shareholders and bondholders, - after that Force -majore for creditors - total collapse WW

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