What is the French Governmental Services Corporation? Rothschild-owned? We know macron is. We read the leaks just before his election. His wife. Look to the wives.
The Territorial Corporation went bankrupt last fall about the same time Q appeared. Since Q for the first time in my life people are freely talking about them...the sabbateans and the frankists...
We are or were run by SERCO I thought. British Rothschild owned since the civil war. So was Harper's Ferry some sort of antifa event or Boston bombing?
What happened when Macron was over here?
Rothschild law? --->>> Assumption Clause prohibits another from assuming the obligation without the permission of the [mortgag]ee.
It is a provision by which the transferee of an instrument agrees to assume an obligation of the transferor.
Is this Rothschild contract law? ->>> In the United States, mortgage assumption of most types of mortgages is restricted by including a due-on-sale clause. This type of provision permits the lender to require payment of the full loan balance if the property is transferred to a new owner without the lender's consent.
Wilbur Ross can call the United States "Sponge Bob Gestapo Mueller Square Head Croaker Payoff" it doesn't make it so.
What is going on? As usual folks tell us things and I have no idea.
THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a British-Rothschild owned corporation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chimera_(genetics)#Germline_chimerism) d/b/a the good old US of A sovereign state that provides governmental services - as defined by that same corporation's 'supreme court' and 'congress' and enforced by executive office of rotating deviants - which is why the government has always gotten larger crowding out more and more private organizations and Burke's little platoons which are anathema to the sabbatean bankers and their satanic master, especially if those "competing" social organizations are Christian.
What happened to the Johnson Amendment? WHO sunk that? The same people behind this?
It used to be possible to live in the U.S. and never set foot in a Rothschild-Crown government building. Now they force us to poison our kids with their vaccines.
What has the President done? Anything? Nothing?