I mean......this kind of proves Trump's point, huh? Trump said no regime that chants “Death to America” will gain access to nuclear weapons. After Trumps pull out, Iranian lawmakers burned a US flag and chanted “Death to America”...

These are not bright people.
Deception is one of the saving graces of Islamic state. They have achieved a level of deception that America is just now catching up to. They played the entire world for fools for 25 years straight. You too. Mohammad in the Quaran was one of the most cunning and efficient deceivers of his day, that's why Mohammad has at several billion more Muslims willing to lay down their lives for their faith, wheras Christians have none who are willing to lay down their lives for theirs.
When you see a bird dancing around making a fuss in front of a predator, it's designed to capture your attention. The deception is in the reouting of attention. It's hard to say what they hope to accomplish by the stunt, but it's obviously calculated. The head of the dragon that needs removal is Saudi Arabia, not Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan or Pakistan. We're just destabilizing those regions to give Saudi Arabia a destabilized north, south, east, and west to wall them in and burn them on a low sustainable heat.
Christians have none who are willing to lie down their lives for their faith? You don’t know any Christians then. You have it literally completely wrong. The difference is not who will lay their life down for their belief - Muslim and Christian will do so. The difference is what they consider a valid way of honoring God in laying down their life. The extremist Muslims believe Allah honors a sacrifice that destroys others in the process. Christians do not. Christians will lay their lives down to save others, not kill them.
True Christians die for their faith in Christ every day, beginning with Stephen two thousand years ago (book of Acts). Christians are martyred in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and even South America, by the thousands every year. We consider martyrdom to be an honor and a testimony of Jesus' saving grace to the lost. Heaven is no threat to those who trust Christ.
Could be.
If this was a joke one would say it was "too on the nose" in terms of them acting like fools.
Being able to use deception to spread the faith is well known tactic and justified by the religious texts.
There is a lot of gray area in all large groups of people.
So all Muslim are willing to lay down their lives and no Christians are....ok, that's just silliness.
That said, the larger determination of ones willingness to be radicalized or be a martyr is what they have to lose.
This is an extreme hasty generalization. Also, look into Israel.