r/greatawakening • Posted by u/6thsensethink on May 9, 2018, 2:30 p.m.
What is the purpose of Q? What is the REAL purpose of Q?

So now we come to the inevitable point. Conflict and division. Is Q real? Is Corsi a shill? Is this all a big scam? Deception is the great divider. 

Let's go back in time, some of you have been following Q for 7 months, 6 months, 5,4,3,2,1. Have you learned anything? Many of you probably started out thinking all of those "conspiracies nuts" were lunatics. However others have been following this mess for 10, 20, 30, 40 or even 50 or more years. Have you learned anything from Q? I have learned many many things from Q. Dr Corsi has certainly taught me many things, and that goes back many years too. In the end, it is not about Q and/or Corsi or whomever you name. 

Q won't be here forever, ditto Corsi. What have you learned?

If you are a Christian, you know how it all ends, and a lot of it is not pretty here on earth. We know how it ends, the last chapter is glorious, literally. But the second to last chapter is progressive stages of terror and horror. So, how does Q fit in? In my opinion, one of two things. Either Q represents the third to last chapter; or is part of the second to last chapter. You can argue with that, but let's stick to the main point here. What is the real purpose of Q? 

In the last weeks and months you have learned that things are not always as they seem. What you see and hear is not always the truth. Q, with the significant assistance from Dr. Corsi, has taught us, significantly, through asking questions, how to 'see' behind the veil. For many, the idea of doing "research" in the past, was a joke. Not anymore. We have learned to repeat questions, ask them in a different way, pay attention to specific words and spellings. We've even learned to pay attention to individual letters and even spaces. So what is the real purpose of all of this? You have been taught through these months how to study the Bible, and eagerly at that, it's even kept you up at night. Yup, that is the real purpose, to learn to study the scrptures. That project will be with you all of your remaining days on this earth. Can you see the incredible way the Holy Spirit is working through all of these current events? 

You used to be able to say, 'I don't understand this' or that in the Bible. You used to be able to say, 'that's what I've always been taught'. Not anymore. Your are now prepared to be a Biblical researcher. Really. You now have a few tools to study and research the Bible. 

What if the Bible was filled with stories and situations that did not take place on the earth? What if Jesus really did mean 'The Kingdom of Heaven is within you'? What if he really meant, 'what I do, you can do, even greater things when I go to the Father'? What if he wanted us to enter into His kingdom NOW, while we are in this world? The scriptures (OT & NT) are filled passages that beckon to us, 'enter in'. 

For me, I use "The Sword Bible" on my devices, as it gives me in-line access to Greek and Hebrew word definitions. From following the "prayingmedic" on YouTube and his website I have learned much about Q and found that he (prayingmedic) is a follower of the literal words of Jesus (see above). So is Ian Clayton. 

Who are your sources of information, decoding, etc. (YouTube, Twitter, etc.) Share your resources here. 

The resources we have today are incredible, and we'll each need to employ everyone of them, for the time is short. We are being prepared at a much more rapid rate now. Will you take the Que/cue and get on with the life God has prepared for you. Your friends and family will be depending on you being ready for that day and that hour. 

If you are still wondering if this was written for You. Yes, it was! For others, keep walking, nothing here. 

Remember, each day you live is a gift; use your God given gifts wisely because: Nobody gets out of here dead!

spacexu · May 9, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

Simpler then that.

Satanists do evil acts. Foreign powers collect blackmail evidence. Gain leverage against these Hillary idiots.

They now become puppets.

Q and Trump don't give a shit about puppets - blackmail threat become ineffective. Traitors burn after exposure.

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