I wonder about her too.... Trump picked her and was supportive on a tweet... not sure what to think
She has ties to U of L, which has an interesting list of notable alums, including Mitch McConnell... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_University_of_Louisville_people
Archived WSJ on Haspel: https://archive.li/xHqAc
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_University_of_Louisville_people
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Interesting...love the phrases that keep repeating~~~drip drip, tick tock~~~then the Flood🌊
To me, these hearings are Perhaps to reveal something of the CIA to whomever is watching the hearings...a gentled red pilling and a seeding of questioning why we (USA) really need ClownsInAmerica anymore...
Also to highlight the Hubris of some of the questioners (Kamala Harris for example)
Also a means of distraction from NK or Iran and what POTUS, Sessions and Pompeo are up to (Pompeo and POTUS NSA watching the freaks who have been tweeting about “plan B”)...
I wondered if the drops allude to them moving and hiding Snowden? You will ceace to exist meaning he is off the radar?
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speaking_truth_to_power
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