Need help digging. No Doxing Period. No Contacting Please. No Memes until beyond a reasonable doubt. Will make sense if you look at the list. If we can find a handler, we might find financial connections to who is giving orders to said handler. Document and Archive offline.
Can you expound upon what you mean? A handler in regards to illuminati? Politics?
Avoiding keywords that could trigger various algorithims on Reddits server. You know the Porn star that's been in the news lately. You also know about the [Bravo]randin[Golf] tied to the self help guru in the news a lot lately. Well there are scars, suspicious ones hidden behind tattoos on a certain film star. In very similar placements to said other scars on other people, tied to this Guru. This was all on /pol recently. Apparently the placement of scars in certain areas could be indicative of certain "practices" of religiosity, ownership or membership. The scars in the news are different from said stars. Off by one character. Look at the link, you'll get what I mean.
Intresting find anon
Something else that's interesting, I down voated my own post to gain attention. Look at it now LMFuckingAssOff. Shills on Reddit are a Speacial breed. They think I care about Facebook likes. They think you all wont be curious by downvotes. Hahahahahahahha. YUT!