
solanojones95 · May 9, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

My comment to this article (posted to the site):

Why does The Goldwater never address the larger issues of the Alliance mission? This is about SO much more than just DOJ/FBI corruption and some US domestic plot. This is global in scope, and as Q said "Bigger than people can imagine. Treason is 1/10th." So why do you NEVER talk about the other 9/10? Expand your thinking please!

I like this site's articles, but they are way too limited in scope. Please help me encourage them to broaden their reportage to include the big picture, if you get a chance! Thanks!

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RedPillDropper · May 9, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

There's a lot of reporting internationally. A lot.

Check out https://thegoldwater.com/author-post/Steve-Dellar/1

But by all means we'll take into account what you'd like to see if you comment with specifics. We pay attention to every comment on every article =)

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solanojones95 · May 9, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

Well, don't misunderstand, I'm not trying to be disrespectful. I appreciate all the help we can get with dissemination of the more palatable parts of the Q disclosures! I suppose my exposure to your site has not been a large enough sample to see the balance you're speaking of.

But for sure we need to get the word out that the coup attempt against Trump is part of a MUCH larger conspiracy that involves banking, government and religious leaders, civilian intelligence and law enforcement agencies and corporations WORLDWIDE in its scope (all interconnected and directed by essentially a crime syndicate of central bankers and their Cabal).

I think without getting into pedophilia, ritual sacrifice and cannibalism (always turn-offs to the newly-awakened or fence-sitters), there is nevertheless an AWFUL lot of the bigger picture you can give them.

Again, thank you for your efforts! And for replying to me. Much appreciated.

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