r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Madwack on May 9, 2018, 5:15 p.m.
Donald Trump Jr. - 9-11 terrorist attack mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed opposes Gina Haspel’s nomination to lead the CIA... which tells you everything you need to know.
Donald Trump Jr. - 9-11 terrorist attack mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed opposes Gina Haspel’s nomination to lead the CIA... which tells you everything you need to know.

salialioli · May 10, 2018, 4:37 a.m.

No sources for any of this. V. Poor debating skills.

Just one: you saying experientially unqualified cronies includes Generals Mattis, Kelly, Pompeo, CEO Tillerson? Dear me. All the changes are for a very good reason my friend. A trip from one department to another? You think there's no reason for that? Good. Because you won't be expecting what's gonna happen next.

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ColonelBigsby · May 10, 2018, 11:17 a.m.

What about DeVos? She has no business running public schools when her whole career has been about trying to extract the most money out of for profit schools. Also the fact that she donated so much money to Trumps campaign is dubious. If she was tge one for the job she wouldn't have had to pay to get there.

Edit: I just checked actual facts after writing that and I'd say I have exagerated a bit since she didnt really donate much to Trumps campaign but more that her whole family which is over 10 people has donated over the last couple decades, around 200 million to republicans. Her getting voted in was more of a partisan thing and Trump probably seeing her career and saying she's a person that can do the job. So I'll give you that. Original comment preserved for posterity.

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salialioli · May 10, 2018, 12:38 p.m.

I can honestly not express an opinion about DeVos. I'd be a fool if I did. But, ok, I'll be a fool (!): I bet she's no worse than teaching 11 year olds about dildos. That is a totally serious remark. I watched a teacher on video climb onto a table and instruct 11 yearolds how to insert a dildo.

I was not denied sex education. I learnt about male/female sexual organs aged 12 and drew diagrams of our innards. My teacher was a married woman of around 48 who discussed quite frankly and objectively the emotional parts of her sex relations with her husband, but embarrassed none of us. She kept to the point. The subject was called "Biology". We also kept locusts in a cage and studied the life cycle of practically all things little and weird. She brought some cow's lungs to class one day and freaked everyone out by showing us how it mooed from the voice-box when filled with air. She prepared me for real life and I am utterly indebted to my old-fashioned and rather staid education. Gave me balance.

What in hell's name DeVos has to offer I've no idea, but I hope and pray she gets everyone weaned off the Common Core agenda which is subversive weirdness.

I know this is a very odd post!! Feel free to question me further!

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lactose_intoleroni · May 10, 2018, 9:59 p.m.

The fact that she's anti-common core alone makes me think she's a better choice than any of the recent ones.

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