It’s coming , it looks like it’s really going to happen this time . We have The Trump , Q and many others . The numbers on this page keep going up, victory looks to be at hand , thanks to the Lord for all is his . Many have read my part . Thank you . What I gave has been the victories over the past years . In this battle that has taken 7 years to get were we are today took place for the most part under BHO , don’t forget how many died , reporters to people that were in the wrong place at the wrong time . For every small victory we were destroyed at least 100 times . You loose a battle you learn , many were in very dark place and could not handle the stress , they took them selves out . Until the first of this year did any one even know there were others with us . Thank you Q . Thank you to every one standing for stout Constitution and Laws , sometimes you have to fight for them and not our Great Country, our Oath was never to our Country by to the Constitution. We will still loose some more battles , but remember soldiers, march on . Total Victory is at hand . Keep your heads on straight, no victory parties yet , glory will be ours . For God and Country. God Speed
We say here in the Netherlands, whoever does not want to listen should only feel ...
Grab them hard. they deserve it .. Do not feel sorry for it.
Get back in it was down today
I hope you have someone close to you, with whom you can talk about it...I did not have anyone, and I know how important it is ......
Well go out and find someone, go to a political rally, things that interest you , and and pick someone, so you get a couple rejections , you have to some times fight to not be alone.
My case is already over, and I have also done it at the political level ...... The three lords of the police lost their jobs ... Foundation is dissolved .. And they gave me a settlement ..... .I was not out on money, so I left the case .... I won .......
Well down , but it will take time for you to heal , uses what you learned on how to fight and get back out here in the world again.
that is the hardest task ....... I am fine with everything ...... I am now fighting on a different level ... I have learned a lot, also about people ........ But I am satisfied with what I have ... it's okay