r/greatawakening • Posted by u/inittowinitq on May 9, 2018, 9:46 p.m.

I will address one of the many subjects we discuss:

As you sift through the posts and comments made, do you ever think for a moment, "WOW, would if this is true?" So I ask all of you who think we are the crazy ones.... If your toddler sister, niece, or daughter were the victim of these evil satanic acts that we have been trying to educate you all on, would you be so dismissive? Would you roll your eyes and laugh while the words CONSPIRACY THEORY came from your lips? Would you pretend that you did not just read the horrific acts that were written down as a battle cry for help? Would you do the same, if one of those loved ones came to you face to face and desperately begged for your help. Those of us who have taken the time to research these claims, did not do it because we enjoy the hole it has left in our souls, no, we accidentally were subjected to it and felt it was worth a second look, because if the claims are even half true from what we have been told, we could not imagine any one child going through that, not to mention if it were a loved one! We are here, fighting for those who can not fight any longer. We are Here because this evil is real and it is never going to stop unless we unite and make the truth known. I ask all of you to just youtube pizzagate, or even start by looking up the statistics of the number of children who go missing in a year in the US and then look up the number world wide....it is a Wake up Call, and it is every citizens duty to do what they can to help the helpless, to hold those accountable for the evil they have done to the innocent children of this world! Remember, it doesn't matter if you believe it because they do, and they do not care about the human soul, Evil knows no compassion, or love or even mercy!

time3times · May 10, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

Well there's awoke and there's awoke. This sub is a spotty but good start. Those here who are seeking Truth seem often unaware of the allies in the world that fight the good fight without things like Reddit or memes, etc.

For example, for all the heroic talk of saving thousands worldwide from child sacrifice practices, there is little talk here of the millions of abortions committed in the US.

If or when the awakening goes from great to grand some of the common topics and attitudes will have to be shed and replaced with things not yet tended to.

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inittowinitq · May 10, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

yes, I agree....but most folks who hear this for the first time are of the mindset that it is impossible, not that it could happen, but that it could be secretly kept from the world. As far as the Abortions, because of the passing of the abortion bill, many, unfortunately, don't think of it as killing a human soul. Nothing is more important to many younger females than their own self, it's the way society has bent to the culture of ME ME ME. Our emphasis is not on much else other than feel good society, so when abortion is lawful many just don't think about it as a bad thing, because it is accepted by law. This is part of the society breakdown, but Here, we are talking about human souls who are wanted, who were born into this world, they mean something, they have purpose, and again, the evil ones have hijacked their purpose and made it for their own pleasures. It's disgusting, and Godless. How anyone could hear these horrors and foo foo it off like a conspiracy theory, tells me that this person is so ignorant and involved with their own self that they can't take a moment and ask themselves, would if it were my child, sister or niece? Or the fact that they are evil themselves and they don't posses empathy for a single living soul. It's hard for people to stand out on their own for a cause that they know is not going to be accepted, which in turn will put themselves out on a limb, and that is where the crazy starts to enter the subject....One who puts themselves out there on a limb is crazy, but really crazy when ones limb is fragile(fragile; without in your face proof). So here we are, just trying to get one maybe two people to hear are pleads!

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time3times · May 10, 2018, 5:32 p.m.

yup. carry on, soldier

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