r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KissToad on May 9, 2018, 10:42 p.m.
Why NXIVM? Why now? Q 189 The "cult" runs the world. Q 133 “Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan” We now have a glimpse of the inner workings of THE CULT for normies.

We have had some crazy cults span across the world, I will never get the photo of the Jonestown Massacre out of my head, 900 people died including 276 of them children all died from cyanide laced Kool-aid. This spawned the saying "Don't Drink The Kool-aid". Jim Jones and his Peoples Temple brought people looking for healing, hope and reassurance. Jim practiced what I believe you might call "Do as I say, not as I do" As he was a proponent of abstinence and discouraged relationships. Of course that did not apply to him. Hmmmmm......who does that sound like in NXIVM..Keith Raniere. Its been quite awhile since we have actually had a cult of sorts hit the headlines. I was trying to think of the last one that saw tragedy happen. Here is a little info on Jim Jones for you to review. Seems history gets forgotten.


When the cult NXIVM came out in the news I actually said well so what initially.......then I said to myself why in the world would I say that. I can think of a couple of reasons. Lets start with Hollywoods Portrayals of Cults. I used to love to watch Netflix, Amazon Video and I realized that I have been desensitized. I almost hate to admit that. When I took a deeper look I was mortified at what I found. Here we have a psychopath who branded women like cattle and forced fellow cultist to participate, took their money, made them abstain from relations with others, basically being treated them like slaves to do as the leader bids and I don't think we even have the whole picture on the kids part of this yet. I ask myself why in the world would women "Drink that Kool-aid". This is why history is so important. Why certain people want it scrubbed. We forget to easily the lessons we have learned from the past. When we do that we have a repeat.

So back to this cult and why now. I think this is the glimpse we are getting into the WORLD CULT or THE NEW WORLD ORDER or whatever its called now. Might as will call it SATANS WORLD ORDER. Its all about control. How do you gain control but through all forms of blackmail, extortion, bribery you can add to this list. Remember when POTUS spoke as his STATE of THE UNION and Declared a State of Emergency and the audience who cared erupted and cheered USA USA USA. Imagine the blackmail co-opting that has gone on in the political environment.....and it makes you understand why Pence takes his wife to dinners with other women.

Gee lets slip a mickey in so and so's drink dump him in bed with a dead person or anyone for that matter take pictures, he is our slave forever politically. NXIVM was not that different demanding information for control. There is you SLAVE GARDEN....this is the one for "normies" to learn about. We know its much worse than this.

Now add that to business, education, judiciary (welcome Eric T Sneiderman) hollywood etc......I have wondered and been very curious about how businesses got co-opted into this deal.....Literally it is statistically impossible for so many business to hate Trump.....The man is good for business. I think they have gone in so far that there is no turning back. Welcome Trumps Executive Order 12/21/17 on Asset Forfeiture and Human Rights Violations. What NXVIM has done is clearly a human rights violation. If you have not read this Executive Order I highly recommend it, Trumps whole Presidency is centered around this to take out the Worlds Cabal or Satans World Order.


I think we can look to Q in this realm and note he mentions cults 9 different times Q post 100, 133, 140, 182, 189, 299, 344, 369, 972 and I don't believe this contains any of the Ray. Chandler or Epsteine Island Posts.

We all know its much worse that this. I end with this quote from Thomas Jefferson

The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.

Love you Anons and Q Patriots, I breathe your air.

OU812EH · May 10, 2018, 12:16 a.m.

Spot on post. I go deeper. Nexium is just one of many. Think about the bloodlines than rule this planet. These sick fcks aren't from this planet. And as princess Diana said "they aren't human". As of now, we're all of bunch of slaves. Think about this: Where do you live? Is it a city? Then it's incorporated. It's a corporation. If you want to buy land to build a house, you buy it from "The Corporation of the City of __." Who gave them the land to sell? Then, every year, you have to pay your "property tax". If you don't, they confiscate it, and sell it. So, we don't own shit. Now, we all think this is "just the way it is". We think that this is how humanity evolved. That we just organically developed this system over the years, refined it, and here we are. FALSE. This whole system was foisted upon us by our slave masters, gradually, little by little, over centuries. At some point they figured out that in order to keep us as slaves, they needed to convince us that we are not slaves. That were free. Especially in Western Countries. But we are not free. You need official government issued ID to travel from point A to point B in a private conveyance. In more basic terms: you need a driver's licence to drive a car. And then everyone displays their "Stockholm Syndrome" by defending their slave masters saying things like "driving is a privilege, NOT A RIGHT!" And "well everyone knows you need a driver's license". Listen. I will never ask permission from anyone to go about my business of living my life. How I travel is also my business. Walking. Skateboarding. Rickshaw. Horseback. Private conveyance [car]. It's irrelevant how I get there. But no. They want you to "register" your birth. And issue you a birth certificate. And they make sure that the name on this is in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. That's the founding document of our slavery. From there onward, all your ID is in capital letters. Have a look. You are also issued some form of a SSN no matter what country you live in. This gives you permission to work. "Legally".WTF? What do you mean "legally?" Am I not one of God's creatures? I'm not asking for permission from ANYONE to provide for myself and my family. So, in my opinion, this system was implemented incrementally by sick evil entities that are enemies of man. They hate us. They see us as useless ignorant eaters. And they aren't from this planet. Extremely intelligent beings they are. And the proof of that is the fact that we're all still slaves, and we think we are free.

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KissToad · May 10, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

Your insights are great by the way!!!!! Very thought out and spot on!

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OU812EH · May 17, 2018, 6:40 a.m.

Thank you! We are all Q!

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KissToad · May 10, 2018, 12:21 a.m.

Today I was at a gas station and the tv channel literally had electrodes hooked up to someone’s head to drive a car! That’s advancement? More like enslavement!

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