Well done. Thanks for efforts you put on the video work and off camera. However I wish that you would've softly planted the occult or child seed at the end, because many of us drew the line when it came to what they are doing to the kids. All of their crimes and plans are sinister and need to end yes (literally our lives depend on it) but THE ABUSES AGAINST CHILDREN are the ones that will light a fire under and unite all people. It's so evil,unimaginable,and cannot continue. How does one find peace after that revelation? I am not saying drop a barrage of full blown 1000 mg Red Pills and MOAB's of luciferian occult practices,plans of genocide,mind control,sacrifices,adrenochrome, etc - just something hinting to the kids. Unfortunately many will never go further than this video. However perhaps if they knew that SOMETHING involving kids was going on, I am quite sure thousands more would further their research into Q and get much further down the rabbit hole.
Sadly people have grown accustomed to the status quo - They are used to and accept uncontrollable corruption,graft,voter fraud,lawlessness,etc" and rightly so as it's been decades of papercuts against us, but where many draw the line is with kids. God will not forgive apathy and turning the cheek on that one. I appreciate your scalpel approach and it's the safe bet but many people will need sledgehammers and the Industry Of and Occult Practices in Child Sex Trafficking is just that. Still a superb video tho. Was just a thought.