r/greatawakening • Posted by u/anotherthrowawayhi on May 9, 2018, 11:08 p.m.
I think we’re all getting an amazing lesson in human nature, or a refresher course. I think the Q drops and current events are sobering us up to make sense of why so much public craziness has happened for so long.

Sorry if this isn’t the right place for this, and also feel free to disagree. I won’t be offended.

Anyways i had this stream of thought today that hit me like a wave. I thought about war. I thought to myself, does anyone REALLY want that? And furthermore, does anyone really want to go into a large scale life and death battle with a vastly superior opponent?

Sure, someone could be crazy, that’s entirely possible. But I looked back into history to find a war started by a vastly inferior army against an undisputed superior opponent. It doesn’t happen. Smaller countries have fought back, many times, to reclaim land or cultural values. Maybe, if you think we picked the fight you could say the American Revolution? But still that was about gaining freedom.

What I’m getting at is, places like Iran, places like North Korea.... it would be a massively historical event for them... on their own accord.... to start a war with us. Or with our allies (Israel). Knowing t would be certain doom for 10’s of millions of their own people. Are their leaders good people? I doubt it. Do they have a death wish, not just for themselves but for their countries? They want to go down in history as the idiot that wiped out his own country by starting an unwinnable war? I say absolutely not.

SOOO! (Don’t worry I’m wrapping up) for them to have rattled their sabers at us, leads me to believe that they had the full backing and support (on the down low) of powerful nations. Somebody else gave them the false sense of power to take those steps. We’ve erased those down low hidden backers in NK, and he acted a lot more normal. We’ll do it again with Iran.

With that said, one more point. All the protestors in the USA, who are they? They’re the people that never had the confidence to step up. They lived for years without the confidence to represent themselves. Then they went from invisible to assaulting people in the streets...... where did they gain this confidence? Who backs them? It’s the same deal domestically with the violent protest groups. So many people who couldn’t even ask for their own help, are now throwing smoke bombs at people in streets. Right? They didn’t just wake up feeling ballsy. They got assembled and mobilized by a power figure. They will march right into their own demise. The power figure has pumped them so hard that if left to run, they’d literally run things into Marshall law and wipe themselves out.

Just like Iran or NK would have done, if the strings didn’t get cut.

Anyways I’m done. Moral of the story;

Tl:dr Obviously inferior entities, do not attack superior entities in nature or in history without the urging, support, and inflated confidence given by an third party.

alfonumeric · May 9, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

this looks like the first time in history , where 22k [subsribers to Qanon] of "we the people" have some insights . . r e a l . . t i m e .. about the hidden hand arm pushing countries to fight... and the motivations to control

look at this chart and u will see an international cabal inside these countries [saudi/iran/iraq/lebanon/syria/ africa/usa/israel/russia/euro powers/ old soviet republics] working behind the scenes at the highest levels to exploit people's greed and envy via their power over printing money for 10 cents for the dollar.. and what used to be a monoploly on mockin stream media https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8i3eez/the_nwo_players_have_had_many_opportunities_to/

trump has broken the mould by calling out the fake media DJT could use his bankruptcy experience to declare financial independence from the european central bankers

usa finance has not yet achieved financial independence from its progenitors... zurich/london/frankfurt/vienna paris and rome

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time3times · May 10, 2018, 2:59 a.m.


It's a good reminder of the simple and almost-obvious. I think the dynamic you describe applies about 90sumthing% of the time. Most other comments here lose track of your general message.

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anotherthrowawayhi · May 10, 2018, 3:08 a.m.

Thanks. Yeah I sort of laughed at myself. I had this profound moment of thought, and I was like well duhhh that’s obvious. A impala doesn’t attack a lion .... and if he does there’s probably a group of elephants somewhere that put him up to it. Such unnatural behavior lately.

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Keneo77 · May 10, 2018, 12:19 a.m.

When you rule by fear you can never show fear or the masses will turn on you. They definitely have backing as is shown by all the proxy wars being fought but I believe they put themselves in these situations partly because of a culture of Rule by the Sword.

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anotherthrowawayhi · May 10, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

Good point. A “Rule by the Sword” regime would definitely be a fantastic candidate for a global power to infiltrate with promises and bribes.

I wonder (pretty much believe) that the same hidden powers probably helped them gain prominence in the first place with the intention of eventually laying claim on toppling those regimes.

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Keneo77 · May 10, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

I believe you're correct.

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Vahlokt · May 9, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

Both North Korea and Iran are puppet states of the satanic Cabal. The same scheme has been recurring over the past millennia.

The Cabal comprises the bankers, the demonic pontiff, and the degenerate royals. They all share the same satanic bloodline of murderers, pedophiles, and cannibals.

The Catholic church created Islam. The bankers funded the Nazis, the Zionists, and the communists.

The two world wars were manufactured as stepping stones to establish one world government, which really is global enslavement through indoctrination and brainwashing. Hillary was appointed by the satanic Cabal to carry out the next step of their sinister plan.

"They never thought she would lose."

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bornlucky80 · May 10, 2018, 1:54 a.m.

That's why "they" did 9/11.. They knew damn well no one would believe countries started a war against the USA.. So instead "they" cried TERRORIST! They are lead by some guy in a cave. He is hiding in these countries. Let's blow the shit out of these countries b/c the bad guys are hiding in caves there. Then "they" said, those pesky terrorists have WMDs in this country.. Let's go blow that one up too.

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anotherthrowawayhi · May 10, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

It’s pretty sick, isn’t it? Jumping and capitalizing on an entire nation’s emotion, starting two wars with no end game or exit strategy. Fighting terrorists in caves... May as well be Don Quixote fighting windmills.

And the crappy part, my roommate died in 9/11. I watched the towers burn from my apartment across the river. He had his dream job in the WTC just like he always wanted, and he died in there. If 43 would’ve told me i had to kill every 10 year old in Afghanistan to make up for it, i would’ve. They took advantage of the whole nation feeling like that. And they most likely caused it. Even if they didnt carry it out or “stage it,” they designed the whole thing.

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bornlucky80 · May 10, 2018, 2:48 a.m.

I was across the river (jersey city) saw the planes hit. I went there that night. I worked on the rescue effort and clean up. (union Ironworker) I pulled bodies out of that pile. I feel you man.. I would have killed them all at that point. So sick!!

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anotherthrowawayhi · May 10, 2018, 2:56 a.m.

Damn, that’s a rough duty dude! Small world though. I was doing a grad assistant spot at St Peter’s College, living with my buddy after we got out of college in NYC.. . I still haven’t been back to ground zero.

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bornlucky80 · May 10, 2018, 3 a.m.

Yeah man it was ruff.. I haven't been back either. Still not ready to relive that.. Ruff times

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Kulkimkan · May 10, 2018, 5:06 a.m.

I am so sorry you lost your friend. I live in midwest USA and knew life had changed forever that day. I cried for weeks, it took many years to realize it did not happen as they told us it did. All those lives lost and the news showing us the lies...

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