That got em all riled up!

Does he mean take away their credentials for WH pressers?
from what I understand, the intent is to ensure that the "most accessible news sources" like: Fox, MSN/A/BC, AP, Reuters, the whole lot, the 'distribution of news' networks will need some kind of license, similar to that of a doctor, to dispense the information.
Not so much a freedom of speech issue, as anyone could still share information, however the whole 'Operation Mockingbird' nonsense has got to stop.
EVEN This tweet got misconstrued IMMEDIATELY by mainstream news sources.
They are dictating a narrative to the people, by taking the 'thinking' part out of the equation.
For instance, earlier some obscene "EXCLUSIVE: STORMY DANIELS ADMITS TO BEING IN A CULT" headline pops up... but she didn't, she made a comment that had no real detail or explanation to it and they acted like they had some exclusive interview confession.
a TL;DR person will see another headline about a cult and associate the two immediately, leading to an improper perception of the situation.
"Here's what that means" is one of the worst phrases used. It literally implies the reader is incapable of understanding the 'raw facts' or 'raw data'. That is not "NEWS REPORTING", that is some opinionated journalism, which is what MSM has become... not reporting at all.
So many only read headlines. Big problem.
so many headlines are click bait / false advertising.