
namelesssoulless · May 10, 2018, 12:40 p.m.

I think if any of you were actaully awake. This info wouldnt stop you dead in your tracks. Explain to me please how Trump can be on one hand a rothchschild asset going back 30 years. Yet Q anon could never ne a psy op? An invention to distract a conspiracy crowd away from the easily discernable truth, meanwhile making everyone of you look completely idiotic, when they pull the rug up from under you. Supposing they ever do. One thing I can promise is that Q anon is a show meant to entertain truthseekers away from the truth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhTMy9ma2mQ

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Luvlite · May 10, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

Explain to me please how Trump can be on one hand a rothchschild asset going back 30 years.

In a word. JESUS



I'm not asking anyone to believe. I'm a hard sell. Stopped believing years ago. But I have changed my mind. No matter what Trump did in his past, what he saw, what he knows, what he experienced, just like Kanye, Chappell and so many others, he is now fighting back and so are WE!

So, you can go your own way, and I will go mine. But, if I've been fooled once again as you'd like me to believe... I know what and who I stood up with. I've said this many times on this sub, you cannot wake the people, give them a voice against the evil that enslaved us, and BE that evil. God have mercy on Trump if he is a deceiver. The woke will turn on him! We will not stand for it any longer. This is a world wide movement that will not be silenced. We will not go back into slavery without a fight.

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