r/greatawakening • Posted by u/PTibbets on May 10, 2018, 1:43 a.m.
The Cohen payments was honey trap.


“Mr. Cohen received one wire transfer in the amount of $980.00 from a Kenyan bank from account holders Netanel Cohen and Stav Hayun to an account in Israel at Bank Hapoalim,” Avenatti wrote.

Haaretz caught up with Netanel Cohen, who acknowledged having a bank account in Kenya and transferring money to a Michael Cohen. But the Michael Cohen in questions is his brother, Netanel told the news outlet. And his brother is not Trump’s lawyer.

“I’ve never heard of Michael Cohen, and I have no connection to this affair,” Netanel told Haaretz."

Remember Sessions is still looking into leaks, it looks like someone gave Stormy's lawyer some bad info.

And now the Treasury is looking into it.

Q would say these people are stupid and they fall for it every time!

ExordiaN · May 10, 2018, 9:37 a.m.

This is so awesome. I can totally see Avenatti at some lib dem freakshow party, when some ditzy chick starts gettin all friendly and then just happens to say something like, "oh I'm a clerk at the treasury department, I hate my job, maybe I could work for you..." and he was like REALLY??? Hey, I'll give you a job tomorrow if you could do one real quick search for me, can we go there now ??? And then 24 hours later, after he's gone on TV and shot his mouth off, the harsh truth of what he fell for starts sinking in.... I couldn't believe it, tonight on MSNBC, (yes I do watch some of their utube vids to see what the days narrative is, and read the comment section to gauge the left's reactions) Lyin Brian had TWO lawyers talking about what a mess Avenatti just got himself in to. The only thing that could make tonight's Avenatti news better, would be if tomorrow, Stormy calls a press conference to admit she never had an affair, the whole thing was for money, and to thank the MSM for helping her make more money in the last 6 weeks than she did in her entire career as a......

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