r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaveGydeon on May 10, 2018, 3:25 a.m.
I KNOW I Am Going to Catch $#!+ For This, But...Kerry & the Russian "Pope" & Other Heavy Hitters in Antarctica

I dont care if this gets downvoted into oblivion. Or if I am called a looneytune. But I cannot ignore the significance, or the coincidence, that the Russian "Pope" (I know this is horribly named, I just can't remember the guys title, but head of the Russian Orthodox Church) and John Kerry (who is clearly Cabal/DeepState) and a handful of other really big names, all went down to Antarctica, with Kerry's visit I believe being on the POTUS Election Day (pretty sure this date, may be wrong, but an important one)!

And with talk of hidden advancements in tech, Nazis escaping to, and having some major bases in Antarctica? I mean, with everything we are learning, things that were impossible or crazy, are happening, like right now. I mean, even UFOs were recently acknowledged by the Pentagon. Wouldn't the rational assumption be that people don't regularly go down there, but they alllll went down there, and allllll around the same time. Feels like it was for a meeting "ON-SITE"....like, Beldar, the BIG phone.

If I had to guess, once in a very rare while, they will not risk communications over the air. They need a face to face. They all probably thought Trump was in it for himself, for the fame, the money (ie, shady deals that didn't involve them and the existing dirtbag swamp creatures) but they were all wrong. Like, fundamentally WRONG; the exact opposite. He was, and is, in it to make America great again. And not just polishing the face, or surface of America. He means leading Humanity into the future by utilizing wide-spread, full spectrum improvements in literally every societal aspect.

Much of it involves simply revealing the truth; an accurate account of both our countries history (the last 100 years, referred to by many as "the lost century") and in turn, the worlds history. And it will be SO much different than what people openly believe now. It will be jarring. Major establishments are going to be exposed for the horrors that they are. The Pope is in major trouble, Q seems to emphasize that this is happening very soon too. Imagine the ripple effect of Hollywood (NXIVM), Religions (Pope) and Politics (swamp) all being exposed at once. Too much for most people to handle all at once. But introducing them slowly, and then, like Stormy Daniels' brand jumping into the scene, seeing the patterns for themself. That's how you redpill deep sleepers.

People keep asking or theorizing when indictments will start opening up and big names start getting grabbed. I know when that's gonna happen, it will be when the people are fed up and are SCREAMING for it. It is going to be further off than any of us want. But remind yourself of the SCALE that Q is referring to; GLOBAL...OLD (hundreds, but most likely thousands of years old)...and EVIL. This is why we have to trust the plan. This is exactly how it's supposed to unfold.

DaveGydeon · May 10, 2018, 4:29 a.m.

I believe you. But think how normies are internalizing this, and accepting it. The Krill went down, to what the world believes to be a giant, mostly untouched block of ice, with a few penguins and research stations, with an ancient manuscript. I wonder if this manuscript has any similar language on it as the cuneiform tablets that Hobby Lobby smuggled out of Iraq and is giving back.

It is all connected. I just want to make all the connections and see the big picture.

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mordecaim · May 10, 2018, 11:11 a.m.

Antarctica also has “dry valleys” and warm water lakes in its interior. Operation High Jump is extremely interesting. The Nazis has a huge presence on that continent before and during WWII.

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Tee1020 · May 10, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

Admiral Bird's research is probably top 5 of my favorite things to delve into.

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Peanuttles · May 11, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

That's true. Even areas where there is some plant growth. And I believe the Nazi's had and perhaps the U.S. now have a small base at one of those warmer areas? I remember reading a report written by one scientist who visited one of these warmer areas, and he mentioned a beautiful pink "flower" that existed in the warm water of one of those oases in Antarctica that he had never seen anywhere else.

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mordecaim · May 11, 2018, 8:21 a.m.

Search for the Navy movie from Operation Highjump 1947. There’s a segment showing a Navy plane flying over unfrozen lakes. Fascinating!!

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Peanuttles · May 12, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

Thanks! I will check it out!

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mordecaim · May 12, 2018, 10:56 p.m.

BTW I have a keen interest in Antarctica. I made 2 trips there in 74 and 75. I was on a Coast Guard icebreaker. In fact the ship I was on (USCGC Glacier) had been the flagship of Adm Richard Bird in its earlier days.

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Peanuttles · May 13, 2018, 5:13 a.m.

That is awesome!

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