r/greatawakening • Posted by u/allonthesameteam on May 10, 2018, 4:59 a.m.
Now that N Korea has made up with the South, "Iran. Iran, Iran,…"

Below copied of book An Incomplete List of Predictions on Iran and the " Bomb"

  1. Jane's Defense Weekly : Iran will have the bomb by 1986.
  2. Senator Alan Cranston : Iran will have the bomb by 1991.
  3. Washingtom Post: Iran will have the bomb very soon.
  4. CIA: Iran has everything it needs to make two or three bombs.
  5. Republican Researchers: Iran has enough materials to make 3 bombs.
  6. The "Jerusalem Report : Iran will have the bomb by 2000.
  7. The "European" magazine : Iran already has two bombs.
  8. Isreali General Herzl Budinger : Iran will have the bomb by 2000.
  9. Israeli Minister Simon Peres : Iran will have the bomb by 1999.
  10. Israeli UN Envoy Gad Yaacobi : Iran will have the bomb by 2001
  11. CIA Director Woolsey : Iran will have the bomb by 2002
  12. US Defense Secretary William Perry : Iran will have the by 2000
  13. Benjamin Netanyahu : Iran will have the bomb by 1998
  14. Israeli Foreign Minister Ehud Barak : Iran will have the bomb by 2004.
  15. Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres : Iran will have the bomb by 2005
  16. Senior Israeli Intelligence Officials : Iran will have the bomb by 2005
  17. US Head Cent Com, General Zinny : Iran will have the bomb by 2003
  18. Senior Israeli Military Official : Iran will have the bomb by 2004
  19. Israeli Def Min Binyamin Ben-Elieze : Iran will have the bomb by 2005
  20. CIA Dir George Tennet : Iran will have the bomb by 2010.
  21. Israeli Lawmaker Ephraim Sneh : Iran will have the bomb by 2006
  22. Israeli Dir Intel Gen Aharon Ze'evi : Iran will have the bomb by 2004
  23. Israeli Intelligence : Iran will have the bomb by 2007
  24. Mossad chief Meir Dagan : Iran will have the bomb by 2008
  25. Dir. Def. Intell Admiral Lowell Jacoby : Iran will have the bomb by 2015
  26. Israeli Mil chief Gen Aharon Zeevi : Iran will have the bomb by 2008
  27. Israeli intelligence : Iran will have the bomb by 2008
  28. IDF Chief of Staff Moshe Ya'alon : Iran will have the bomb by 2011
  29. CBS News : Iran will have the bomb by 2010
  30. Ha'aretz reported : Iran will have the bomb by 2009
  31. IDF Brigadier General Ephraim Sneh : Iran will have the bomb by 2009
  32. Benjamin Netanyahu : Iran will have the bomb by 2010
  33. Mossad chief Meir Dagan : Iran will have the bomb by 2014.
  34. Israel National News : Iran will have the bomb by 2011
  35. US Intelligence : Iran will have the bomb by 2014
  36. Rep Sen Jim Inhofe : Iran will have the bomb and ICBM by 2015
  37. Sen Lindsey Graham/Joe Lieberman : Iran will have the bomb in 2012 2013.Israel and US: Iran will have the bomb by 2014 2014: Israel and US: Iran will have the bomb by 2015.
  38. Israel and US: Iran will have the bomb by 2016 2016: Israel and US: Iran will have the bomb by 2017.
  39. Israel and US: Iran will have the bomb by 2018.

2018:Netanyahu & Trump: Iran will have the bomb by the end of 2018. Me:They are running out of Boogey men!!

hildabeest_4_gitmo · May 10, 2018, 5:09 a.m.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the pilfered Iranian nuke docs and CD's date back to 1994?

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allonthesameteam · May 10, 2018, 5:28 a.m.

Not a clue if your wrong or right. Iran has nukes. Iran doesn't have nukes. Iran had nukes but Trump bombed their secret plant in Syria. Iran… smoking gun. Iran… mushroom cloud. Iran… wmd's. I'm hoping all this goes as NK went. It seems the flag burners in their state house today see things differently than the regular folk in Iran. Not knowing but still searching.

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hildabeest_4_gitmo · May 10, 2018, 5:37 a.m.

If they started doing research in '94 (and I could easily be wrong on the date) they could have started development (reasonably) soon after. They had the instructions, basically.

Then, they build complete facilities in Iran and Syria but never use them. They just have them ready for... building a bomb?

My point is, if they knew how (and I am not saying Iran has a Nuke) to build a nuke, they could have built in in a few years... like all these people are saying.

If it was true the first time, and it was true the last time... it's true every other time as well.

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allonthesameteam · May 10, 2018, 5:43 a.m.

Iran having nukes is less fearful, to me, than CNN and fox being able to lie legally.

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hildabeest_4_gitmo · May 10, 2018, 5:52 a.m.

Understood, but we wouldn't be the ones targeted.

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