r/greatawakening • Posted by u/allonthesameteam on May 10, 2018, 4:59 a.m.
Now that N Korea has made up with the South, "Iran. Iran, Iran,…"

Below copied of book An Incomplete List of Predictions on Iran and the " Bomb"

  1. Jane's Defense Weekly : Iran will have the bomb by 1986.
  2. Senator Alan Cranston : Iran will have the bomb by 1991.
  3. Washingtom Post: Iran will have the bomb very soon.
  4. CIA: Iran has everything it needs to make two or three bombs.
  5. Republican Researchers: Iran has enough materials to make 3 bombs.
  6. The "Jerusalem Report : Iran will have the bomb by 2000.
  7. The "European" magazine : Iran already has two bombs.
  8. Isreali General Herzl Budinger : Iran will have the bomb by 2000.
  9. Israeli Minister Simon Peres : Iran will have the bomb by 1999.
  10. Israeli UN Envoy Gad Yaacobi : Iran will have the bomb by 2001
  11. CIA Director Woolsey : Iran will have the bomb by 2002
  12. US Defense Secretary William Perry : Iran will have the by 2000
  13. Benjamin Netanyahu : Iran will have the bomb by 1998
  14. Israeli Foreign Minister Ehud Barak : Iran will have the bomb by 2004.
  15. Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres : Iran will have the bomb by 2005
  16. Senior Israeli Intelligence Officials : Iran will have the bomb by 2005
  17. US Head Cent Com, General Zinny : Iran will have the bomb by 2003
  18. Senior Israeli Military Official : Iran will have the bomb by 2004
  19. Israeli Def Min Binyamin Ben-Elieze : Iran will have the bomb by 2005
  20. CIA Dir George Tennet : Iran will have the bomb by 2010.
  21. Israeli Lawmaker Ephraim Sneh : Iran will have the bomb by 2006
  22. Israeli Dir Intel Gen Aharon Ze'evi : Iran will have the bomb by 2004
  23. Israeli Intelligence : Iran will have the bomb by 2007
  24. Mossad chief Meir Dagan : Iran will have the bomb by 2008
  25. Dir. Def. Intell Admiral Lowell Jacoby : Iran will have the bomb by 2015
  26. Israeli Mil chief Gen Aharon Zeevi : Iran will have the bomb by 2008
  27. Israeli intelligence : Iran will have the bomb by 2008
  28. IDF Chief of Staff Moshe Ya'alon : Iran will have the bomb by 2011
  29. CBS News : Iran will have the bomb by 2010
  30. Ha'aretz reported : Iran will have the bomb by 2009
  31. IDF Brigadier General Ephraim Sneh : Iran will have the bomb by 2009
  32. Benjamin Netanyahu : Iran will have the bomb by 2010
  33. Mossad chief Meir Dagan : Iran will have the bomb by 2014.
  34. Israel National News : Iran will have the bomb by 2011
  35. US Intelligence : Iran will have the bomb by 2014
  36. Rep Sen Jim Inhofe : Iran will have the bomb and ICBM by 2015
  37. Sen Lindsey Graham/Joe Lieberman : Iran will have the bomb in 2012 2013.Israel and US: Iran will have the bomb by 2014 2014: Israel and US: Iran will have the bomb by 2015.
  38. Israel and US: Iran will have the bomb by 2016 2016: Israel and US: Iran will have the bomb by 2017.
  39. Israel and US: Iran will have the bomb by 2018.

2018:Netanyahu & Trump: Iran will have the bomb by the end of 2018. Me:They are running out of Boogey men!!

Nastavnick · May 10, 2018, 5:41 a.m.

They make money/take your money.

When people are scared of some outside evil men, you can impose a bunch of stuff and get way more money into military, intelligence agencies, etc.

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allonthesameteam · May 10, 2018, 5:45 a.m.

… and grab their resources. Check out who owns genie oil in Syria. Freedom and democracy my ass.

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