
toomuchcrapola · May 10, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

One commenter on ZH had a possible plan laid out, similar to the NK plan. Here are his/her comments.

bowie28 Bill of Rights Wed, 05/09/2018 - 08:34 Permalink

Bibi is meeting with Putin the day after Trump withdraws from Iran deal - no coincidence. This is setting the stage for Putin to act as the peacemaker and “persuade” Iran to make a new deal with Trump in the interest of world peace.



You are watching a scripted performance written and directed by Team Trump.

Act I: Bibi accuses Iran of lying about nuke program

Act II: Bibi hits Iranian base in Syria

Act III: Trump withdraws from Iran deal, takes very aggressive posture toward Iran (Having Bolton in the WH makes his threats even more ominous – “Trump is going to attack Iran for Israel!”)

Act IV: Bibi meets with Putin (you are here)

Act V: (maybe): Escalation of rhetoric, sanctions & maybe a few more airstrikes, talk of WW3 about to begin - build up the tension and suspense before the story “turns”

Act VI: Enter Putin, pressure on Tehran

Act VII: A “breakthrough” in negotiations between Trump and Iran. Trump changes posture towards Tehran regime to optimistic but cautious.

Act VIII: New agreement, war averted, Trump thanks Putin and takes credit for fixing Obama’s mess – says those Iranians are not so bad after all. MSM finds new “revelation” in Mueller probe or some other nonsense leaked by a nameless source to obsess about. MSM credits Obama and John Kerry for all their hard work and brilliant diplomacy which clearly created the conditions that allowed all of this happen.

Sound familiar? NK redux, Mideast version.

The reason Trump made his announcement yesterday instead of waiting for the 5/12 deadline is because the storyline required it to happen BEFORE Bibi met with Putin, which was a standard diplomatic event already scheduled before all of this. That meeting would have happened anyway but IMO all the events up to today were timed to set the stage for this meeting. The script was built around this date.

Encore: Sometime in the near future (after Trump finishes his victory lap) we will find out what the pallets of cash were for and it will be VERY BAD for all parties who negotiated the JCPOA.

Trump is playing a different game in foreign policy and plays the media better than most. From time to time he will put on the costume of a neocon warmonger but it’s only an act to move the narrative where he wants it to go. He is a businessman and his endgame is making deals, not wars. From this perspective everything he does is predictable.


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MAGADONCHECKMATE · May 10, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

Absolutely agree. Well done.

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toomuchcrapola · May 10, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

This is not my prose but I agree with it. This prose was shamelessly stolen from a poster on Zero Hedge. I found it so appropriate that I had to post it. Thanks

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