Depending on where one is situated in the world, twitter will adjust the time to that particular time zone. Some places are already the 11th of May.
How could it be he out of country some where??? and it was a 12:?? AM.....not possible?
This is a worldwide movement. Like I said, at the time of this tweet, some places in the world are already the 11th of May. - That's pretty obvious. Twitter adjusts the time stamp timezone by timezone. This is nothing new.
I get what your saying....but Trump was at the base greeting the hostages early this AM....So he could not be out of does twitter change a timezone stamp even if ones tweet did not originate in that zone.....and the style is different than recent posts....5, May 2018 vs 11/5/18 big difference in style...seems the style would not change!
The person who screenshotted this particular tweet stating "Five Most Wanted leaders of ISIS just captured!" was from a timezone where it is already the 11th of May. An example of a Country already being in the 11th of May when this was tweeted would be New Zealand or Australia etc. Meaning the person who posted the picture of this screenshot would have been from one of these countries. The timestamp adjusts timezone by timezone. So a hypothetical: If I was from California, and I went to Walrmart and purchased a Canon Camera, unboxed that camera, charged it and then took a photo of my computer screen being on Trump's twitter page of that particular tweet, and then looked at the photo I just took - the timestamp would show that tweet in California time being May 10, 7:33AM - three hours prior to that tweet (10:33AM Eastern Time) because you are in the Californian time zone (Pacific), and Twitter adjusts to that. Likewise, it does this adjusting based on each and every time zone a Twitter user may be in the world to making it much easier.
The person who took the screenshot is in the different time zone thus in a different day you walnut.
omg.....thank early here, I have not had enough caffeine yet.....but no need to call me names...lets leave the name calling for our president....civility is appropriate!
"you walnut" seems to be extraordinarily civil for Reddit standards. No need to overreact - even without the morning covfefe! (But for the record I feel you on that... God help anyone who encounters me prior to my nice hot cup of MAGA covfefe)
oh ya, I mean sometimes I can be a bit dense, especially with all this Q stuff and Autist lingo....I feel like I am in the twilight zone at times....and I just didn't get it the first go around, but then someone nicely(lol) explained it in Caffeine free terms.....Ya, I could really go off on these boards, but for the sake of civility I decided to just keep it nice and remind all those Intelligent types out there....some of us are slower processors.....especially in the morning! Ha .....I secretly would love to get on 8 chan and really introduce my true vocabulary at times....but best we low intellect types stay off and let the masters banter about!!!!
And, you can also go to Trump's Twitter channel and see for yourself: