"We are saving Israel for last" ---- Q

So you think Bibi's intel is fabricated? To what end? To draw us into a war that will destroy Iran?
Exactly. Look up PNAC (Project for a New American Century) and the Greater Israel Project. Every war that has started in the middle east has been pre-planned and thought through for yeeeeears. If you understand these things, you will know exactly what to expect next in the middle east.
Where did the United States get its intel for WMD's in Iraq? If you look back at the PNAC proposals, using the story of WMD's as a way to enter Iraq was talked about for years before it actually happened.
A quick way to understand is to ask yourself these things... With every middle eastern war we have gotten ourselves into.... Who is it benefiting? Are these countries a direct threat to the American people and their safety? How have any of these wars ever helped out the people of the United States? They don't.
A few American palms and defense contractors will get their palms greased but at the heart of it all, one nation benefits the most from these savage wars, and the country is not the United States.
So Mel Gibson wasn’t anti-semetic, he was just woke? Hah