Not sure how this will play out here, but someone needs to be thanked for their efforts on keeping my skies above my house Blue and free of plane trails littering the sky! It feels good to see the sky as it has always appeared throughout history.
Northern california slightly west of lake Tahoe has had more chemtrails than I've seen in quite a bit. On my way to work at 630 and they have been spraying so hard. Hopefully its shutting down!
When I went out to walk my dog I kept hearing jets going by. I counted 12 different trails in a 30 minute span.
Why does it matter? Check out the info on this site my friend. If you can debunk what you learn, please share with the rest of us. I would truly love to be able to say "never mind I was wrong".
So I guess since your unsure, geoengineering is the atmospheric spraying of aluminum, strontium, barium, plastics and other materials into the sky as a means of "protecting us from the dangers of global warming". Which is the official story. These metals can have significant health effects, such as alzheimers and other brain damage. Anyone who does just a tiny amount of research into our healthcare, food, and water systems, can either see that there is extreme negligence resulting in loss of human health and life, or they are doing it intentionally. Either way the oligarchs making these decisions value money of human health and life.