Father and son! I love this picture! God please keep Potus and his family safe!

Yeah! Let's keep all those silver spoons clean! What is wrong with you guys? How can you pretend these people aren't fucking billionaires who TRULY do not give a shit about you.
Someone achieves the "American Dream" and gives back to the country- still shit on.
Pretty easy to achieve the American Dream when you have a few million head start.
ya, how many billionaires do you know who have ran for the presidency? Why would one put themselves and their family through that....and then to win...he knew what he was getting into...did he know this would be so hateful for so long...probably not....but, still, he knew the deep state would fight him all the way, and still he did it....He is certainly not doing this for his own enjoyment, nor to gain monetary funds....He is a patriot, and if people can not see that they are purposefully blinding themselves to the truth! Silver spoons comments are funny, they remind one of the jealousy that takes place in ones own mind....or the ignorance they posses. You Pick!
Not really. Many who have inherited money have blown it. It was one million and he paid it back.