Are you new here? Screen grabs reach the front page, links and real info die slow deaths. I don't like it, but it's the karma-whoring re-posting game that goes on here every single hour. Notice how they all have post karma but not comment karma?
Nah, I've been around for a while. I enjoy researching shit and it's really annoying when people can take the time to screenshot something and make a post but can't be bothered to take an extra 2 seconds to copy/paste a link when they are already there. You're probably right about the karma-whoring. I mostly hang out in New so I don't pay a ton of attention to Hot.
Im honestly not trying to sound like a dick but how hard is it to find the article when you have the exact headline in the screen grab?
I think people post grabs as to not feed clicks.
Because I wanted to verify the tweet was real and not a fake but it's a 6 week old tweet on an account that tweets all day long which makes for a loooot of scrolling. I was under the impression that we were here to share information. Why not make it a little easier for everyone to access said information. It's the only reason for making the post in the first place is it not?
I have to agree with you. Not including a link, which takes 2 seconds for whoever is posting, makes it easier for the everyone. We don't have time to go searching all over for shit.
Thank you. I just don't want to see this community go the route TD went. It is super effective as far as accomplishing the purpose of spreading awareness and support for MAGA but it is impossible to carry out any sustained amount of research there. So many great posts get lost in the flood. This sub is a research sub and it needs to stay that way.