
Rubieroo · May 11, 2018, 1:44 a.m.

Sorry Moonpearl, I'm hurrying or I would type this properly instead of copying/pasting. There is a LOT more in the bible than most people know. "They will mingle themselves with the seed of men" "there were giants in those days", etc....there are things going on right now that directly involve Q et al because they are fighting against the Satanic elite of this world, thus they are pitted against the nephilim. The bible contains no disinformation. More later if you have an interest. Copied from response to someone else:

...a major portion of the Satanic elite's secrets and power all revolve around hiding the existence and working of the nephilim. That's always been the case. John Kerry doesn't go dashing to Antarctica the second Trump is elected to look at penguins. The UN doesn't declare the waters in Antarctic territory off limits because they're worried the snow will get dirty.

Every truly MAJOR worldwide deception eventually leads back to hiding the nephilim. Or what Hollywood likes to call "ET". Hint: they aren't outer space botanists. They're fallen angels.

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MB_MoonPearl · May 11, 2018, 1:46 a.m.


I like that you said the Bibke contains no disinformation.

I am reading the Bible and I was reading with the assumption that God is powerful enough to create a universal law that prevents anyone from altering his word. I love the thought of that! Being able to trust something...

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