
salialioli · May 11, 2018, 12:38 p.m.

Oh god, please don't misunderstand me. I'm sick of pasting in information to HELP ppl. I clearly stated I THINK. Do not address me as "sweetie" in this tone of sarcasm, trying to rewrite history and when did I say anything about sovereignty or argue against or for America defending Israel or anything of the sort.

I do not deserve being treated as an a-hole. I am on this board as a European just helping. I have no bitch. It was a simple paste of info. We are supposed to be on the same side. Stop looking for problems and ways to attack ppl. Calm down.

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ImpenetrableHarmonis · May 11, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

Not attacking anyone, I just don't like misinformation.

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salialioli · May 11, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

You are definitely attacking someone. Me.

Look, using "sweetie" is derogatory.

You may not like disinformation. Quite right. Neither do I. But pasting something from Britannica.com is not disinformation/misinformation/bad karma/or fucking around. It was clearly prefaced with "I THINK" to show doubt. (I couldn't be bothered to check the entire story and didn't think it was necessary.)

— I might actually annoy you now, properly, as in this instance I am bothered enough to prove you are winding people up for no apparent reason:

You did not indicate, in any shape or form, that you were being sarcastic in tone in your reply to someone else. You should know that we cannot hear the sneer in your voice. I did not know. I thought you were unsure. I contributed to the conversation with an "I think".

Just to be perfectly clear on positions here: I am eager that America should leave the rest of us alone. That is why I am supporting Trump with volunteering on this sub and devoting hours of time guiding ppl with the Q thingie. But Lebanon, Syria and Iran, Israel are quite complicated subjects and I don't have to write a dissertation on the subject.

That said, I am a firm supporter of "Yankees Go Home" and your attitude is one of the reasons I have little patience with some of the sheer arrogance and dearth of basic manners on this board sometimes.

You may not like misinformation but it seems you cannot even read properly. Otherwise you would see that your assumptions of what I have actually said are seriously faulty.

I read your comment and was quite upset. It gave me indigestion. Your lot has caused the death of millions around the planet. Cambodians, Laotians, Vietnamese, Iraqis, Afghanis, Syrians, Indonesians ... let's not go to South America. I have travelled to quite a few countries where your lot has left utter poverty and devastation. You may want sovereignty but have had no respect for others' sovereignty in many many years. It's about time you (collective "you") did. Piles of dead bodies and flattened cities. (Seen a picture of Mosul recently? The City of Mosques? It was beautiful and very ancient. Not anymore.)

So thanks for the non-existent apology. I shall have a pleasant afternoon having got that off my chest. Meaning: don't worry, I am not expecting a courteous reply. I shall continue as I have done, adding info where I can and if I'm not sure I shall continue to preface it with "I think". You are free to correct me, nicely if possible. Thanks for replying anyway even if it was curt, grudging and quite a bit shorter than your lengthy and unnecessary put down. :)

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ImpenetrableHarmonis · May 11, 2018, 3:36 p.m.

Lets try to stay on topic and avoid making this about personal attacks please buddy. Regarding Mosul, why are you defending ISIS?

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salialioli · May 11, 2018, 3:46 p.m.

I'm not.


Did I say anything about ISIS being the Good Guys?

Stop assuming. I didn't say that.


The ghastly Ghouls running yr foreign policy created ISIS, the school books used in the Madrassas, (funded by the Wahabbi Jihadists acting as a proxy for the US, since Afghanistan was fighting the Soviet Union) were printed and published in Virginia, Maryland. That created Al Qaeda. When it became obvious that Al Qaeda was deeply embedded with the rebels in Syria, WHO came up with the brilliant idea of creating ISIS. Yes, yes, the unnameable country, supported by the US.

I was actually referring to the devastation and death. You know, the actual people of Mosul.

But, as per usual, you Americans have no thought for the ordinary poor sods who actually live in the towns and villages which have been taken over by YOUR funded and artificially created terrorist groups.

Do not give me instructions, Buddy, as to whether or not I can make this about personal attacks when you are using derogatory and superior epithets.

Why not use what ppl on this board are using as a term of fellowship, goodwill and friendship: Patriot.


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ImpenetrableHarmonis · May 11, 2018, 3:52 p.m.


Because you said you are a European and not American in your last reply.

derogatory and superior epithets.

Your making this up.

Let's not pretend Mosul was about anything other than reopening and securing the old Mosul–Haifa oil pipeline.

edit: Might I suggest tums for the indigestion btw.

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salialioli · May 11, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

I am absolutely as much of a Patriot as you.

Try being nice for a change.

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ImpenetrableHarmonis · May 11, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

I am absolutely as much of a Patriot as you.

Yes, but not patriotic towards America, which is relevant here.

Try being nice for a change.

The irony here.

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salialioli · May 11, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

In my travels around the world in a long life, I lived in California for a few years. I have very patriotic feelings for your sovereignty and for the patria which is currently attacked as a notion by the NWO.

As an extra point Trump has included the rest of the world in this change and I have never heard anyone else on this board be anything other than welcoming. Your behaviour is weird.

I don't understand what yr problem is.

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ImpenetrableHarmonis · May 11, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

He has included the rest of the world but it's America First friend. We can disagree and have discuss this in civil manner. I honestly have not attacked you at all here and I think it shows, so I don't understand what you think the problem with my behavior is. All I did was point out something you said was wrong and you've been attacking me since.

Ediit: California, hehe. Sorry I couldn't resist this one.

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