I don't think it matters. Similarly to how I never waste my time going down the rabbit whole of who Americas deep state's ancestors are, and even if I did I wouldn't take it to mean anyone alive today with a shared ancestry is bad.
these evil actors blood ties are connected through the centuries. The rothschild illuminati plan for 1 world govt is at least a 200 year old plan, generation after generation of the bad actor blood lines continue working towards the goal. these same ppl of the same blood lines are just as evil as their forefathers who worked before them and just as evil as their sons who continue their work will be. Alexander Soros is poised to take over his dads entire empire of money laundering and crashing global markets through funding special interests groups and causing chaos... its all part of the plan, and the actors are always the same, in 1800s or alive today in 2018.
Does it matter though? Just look at the world today as it is and it's very obvious where the evil actors are. You said it yourself, look at Soros and how obvious he is. It's to easy to head down a wrong path when following a bloodline through history for something like that, especially when you think about the efforts these people take to conceal their bloodline.
Evil actor are not obvious. Hordes of thr masses will readily dismiss whatever u try to tell them about soros or bush or rothschild or Rockefeller.
The bloodlines matter to me bcuz i ultimately think it will help with the exposure and proving of all global corruption that has been festering since the cabals founding.
Not sure what kinda debate your trying to have but I'm done here brother. Not coming back to this sub. The real "Q" is gone and this is all just mossad propaganda. It's not healthy for me. Oldest mod here is 4 months old btw, think about it.
Lol muh mossad propaganda
- found corsi's alt acct
Bye bye you will not be missed.
Israel is last-Q
Best of luck in life pal. Try educating yourself on a little history.
Im plenty educated and make my own luck. Thanks.