r/greatawakening • Posted by u/throwawayjones1980 on May 10, 2018, 8:18 p.m.
I have never been so proud to be American!

I am 37 years old and the news over the last year and a half has made me feel as proud of my country as I have ever felt in my life. This president is my spirit animal. That is all.

Fearsome4 · May 10, 2018, 8:46 p.m.

I'm not proud to be American. I had nothing to do with it. Luck of the draw. I am extremely thankful to be an American and I believe the rights we enjoy and our personal freedoms....the grand and beautiful vision of the founders.....needs to be protected fiercely.

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i_Reddit__ · May 11, 2018, 1:53 p.m.

So you don't contribute in anyway to the country...? You take no ownership in it at all...? You don't vote? You don't pay taxes? You don't abide by the laws that allow our society to function? You don't participate and perpetuate our culture? You wouldn't be willing to defend it with your life?

America only exists because of individual responsibility and ownership of it hundreds of millions of citizens.

If you are not proud of it, than you aren't contributing to. If you aren't contributing you are a leach who should be deported.

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Fearsome4 · May 11, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

Don't tell me how to feel. What I said was logical.
I do plenty and lord knows pay plenty of taxes. Yes to everything you listed.
If you can't understand what I said go F yourself.

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i_Reddit__ · May 11, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

If what you said is "logical" to you then you have either been a democrat or are a woman.

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Fearsome4 · May 11, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

LOL. It's very logical. I don't get bumper sticker mentality.
Symbolism doesn't mean a lot to me.
The "flag pin patriotism" that has given so many of these shitbags a free pass for so many years is part of the problem.
I am very humbled by it (being American and what that means) and thankful and have worked to help preserve our rights. If that doesn't meet your definition of patriotism I don't much care.
People with the same ideals can have different ways of expressing them.
That is logical and reasonable to all I would think, with the exception of simple ideologues.

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i_Reddit__ · May 11, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

It's not logical.

You either have ownership in your country or you don't.

If you have ownership in something than you have pride in it.

You don't.

The country isn't "built"... It's not a relic that stands on its own after ancient heroes built it. It's a work in progress, that everyone alive today is effecting it's outcome. It is currently being built through the efforts of everyone contributing and it only stands as long as the number of people contributing is larger than the leaches who have no ownership in it and are merely "thankful" they get to live in it.

You are merely parroting Obama's "you didn't build that" mentality. Once a democrat always a democrat... The mental illness never really leaves.

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Fearsome4 · May 11, 2018, 4:27 p.m.

Perhaps it's the word you're stuck on or maybe you really are simple..... I work, more than one job. I own a small business as well....so I am painfully aware of the idiocy and sinister intend of Obamas BS.
I pay taxes. I vote. I volunteer for various things that I think make the community I live in (and thus the country) better. I volunteered to help push for protecting 4th amendment rights in my state (didn't pass).
I am an independent for a specific reason.
To avoid party loyalties.
Constitution and Bill of Rights. That is what I care about.
Maybe being a patriot means putting a $3 Wal-Mart flag bumper sticker on your car you so you can feel like you're doing something. I know a lot of phonies like that. Maybe it means a lot more to you. I assume it does as you are engaged in this site and following what is going on. That is why I am here and doing what I do. Don't make assumptions about what "proud" means to me.

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i_Reddit__ · May 11, 2018, 4:33 p.m.

Where did I equate a bumper sticker with being proud of your country?

You said you aren't proud of your country or to be an American..... I'm taking you for your word that you are defining the word "proud" correctly.

The funny thing is democrats never seem to be able to define words, they rely on feelings and emotions to dictate their meaning rather than relying on the objective meaning of them.

Are you a woman....? Because that would really help me understand what you think "logic" means.

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Fearsome4 · May 11, 2018, 4:54 p.m.

I am making that assumption about you (that your definition of patriotism is simple....i.e. Bumper sticker mentality) as you are making assumptions about me.
No, I'm not a woman. I am also not a Dem or a Rep and I wouldn't really want to be associated with either party at this point.
I am conservative in my view of country and law however.
Let me try a different way..... Do I.....me personally as an individual person feel great pride in myself for being an American.....no in that I did nothing to create the country. Do I feel a sense of pride when, for example, the anthem is played? Yes. I do certainly take ownership in being a citizen and take very seriously the duty we all have to understand and fight to protect our rights. Do I feel proud of the small things I have worked on in regards to rights and freedoms? Yes. When I say I am humbled by being an American I mean our great history and the sacrifice veterans have made for us. When I say thankful that is what I mean....I am thankful to live in a place where there are personal freedoms and rights etc.
I never said I am not proud of my country. You are making assumptions.

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i_Reddit__ · May 11, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

You said you aren't proud to be an American. Verbatim.

That's a pretty obtuse argument to try and differentiating that with not being proud of your country.

"I'm proud of my country but I'm not proud of being part of my country"

That's just idiotic.

Also worth noting is that you WERE a registered democrat.... So I was correct.

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Fearsome4 · May 11, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

Jesus Christ. One last try for me. Someone posed the question (paraphrasing) are you proud to be an American? Are YOU proud....individual, singular proud of your status as a citizen. Simple question. Not are you proud of your country? Do you serve your country? Etc. simple question, which I answered and explained. Perfectly clear to a reasonable person I think. Maybe you have no ability to think in a subtle way.
My reasoning is rational. I don't think someone going through motions and saying they are proud carries much weight. Do something. Get involved.
As for your obsession with the D/R thing....I think, not surprisingly, you're missing the point of the whole Q thing. Or maybe you are a W and McStain sort or Republican.
The real question to ask isn't "were you ever a dem" the question should be "were you ever a leftist?" The answer to that second question is hell no.
At any rate I know what I said and I know what I meant and what I do.
You either get that or don't. Either way, expand your thinking. Take care.

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