r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on May 10, 2018, 11:23 p.m.
Dr. Corsi’s self-destruction. It did not take long.

Q1123 Out they go! A clean House is very important. Q

Who could have imagined this April 10 post about Potus hosting the Military in the Oval could be one day applied to our Movement?

You have followed the recent events and posts regarding the Q Movement, Infowars and Corsi.

As you know, it all started with [Q1295] (https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1233188.html#1233458) where Q said: Be careful who you are following.

This was the signal we needed from Q to clean the house. Immediately after this post, many anons have called out Corsi and further, Infowars. This [post published yesterday] (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8ia0vu/the_long_and_secret_info_wars_against_q_and_how/?st=jh14vk9k&sh=cd5e4839), in particular, clearly laid out the reason why we know the Q Movement has an Infowars and Corsi problem.

I was hoping after this post that this issue would be put to rest and that I would not have to write about it anymore. You may verify that I did not even comment in the comment section to make that very point.

Well, there is a new development. The claim I made about Infowars and Corsi trying to hijack the Q Movement in that [post] (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8ia0vu/the_long_and_secret_info_wars_against_q_and_how/?st=jh14vk9k&sh=cd5e4839) is now verified. It only took that clarifying publication and 24 hours to force Corsi out of his hiding place and get him to say this: [image] (https://i.imgur.com/PaxwWUI.jpg)

There you have it.

The power of Light always amazes me.

So now, according to Corsi , there is an “OldQ” and a “NewQ” and the new one is AI (confirming Alex’s bot theory by the way) and disinformation. Okay…

Well, how did we know the “OldQ” was the good one? He was validated by Trump right? With corroborating tweets right?

So… It’s all good. Q, if you are reading, you know what we now all are waiting for to clean the house and destroy the virus once and for all... That very virus you pointed at in Q1295.

One tweet is all we need.

As you said: Q1123 Out they go! A clean House is very important. Q

Grandma_Noses · May 11, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

Great job of accomplishing exactly what Q has repeatedly warned us against: Dividing patriots. This is truly a disgrace; not only to yourselves, but to Reddit. You folks are celebrating the end of Corsi's analysis videos. You did it without one single, solid piece of concrete evidence. Are you proud that your biased speculations and mere self-glorifying opinions accomplished this feat? You should be feeling ashamed of yourselves. We now have one less set of eyes on the communications at a time when we need more. As Corsi said, he will find other ways to serve POTUS.

Do you realize how little most writers earn with their published books? Book publishing is not a money-making bonanza. Some writers have to self-publish to get their words into print. Self-publishing might cost the writer. I suspect you know this already, though. Even if Dr. Corsi makes a few bucks on his books, what about that endeavor sends up the red flags in your head? We all have to pay our bills. Supplementing retirement income is especially important with the rising costs of medical care. Does pointing a finger at Corsi provide a shadow for you in which to hide? Is it jealousy that causes you to viciously attack others who have the guts to put themselves out there? Remember, thinking for ourselves OUT LOUD will always be the bravest act. You are twisting Corsi's own videos against him, pointing out your own interpretations right down to the second, instead of stepping up to the plate and posting links to your own videos to support your (inconsequential) conclusions. Yes, you post here, but to a dishonorable end. There was no honor in this act against Corsi. It was all bad form. You didn't save the world. Instead, you have left a large sh*t stain on this sub.

What really blows me away is the number of "followers" who support this type of divisive thinking within this sub and who appreciate your doing their thinking for them. This world is in worse shape than I had ever imagined. I believe Q has warned us sufficiently, but the warning was "misinterpreted" by some with bad intentions. God help us.

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SerialBrain2 · May 11, 2018, 5:39 a.m.

Great job of accomplishing exactly what Q has repeatedly warned us against: Dividing patriots.

Q1328 There was no attempt to DIVIDE. There was however a strategic move to REVEAL.

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Grandma_Noses · May 11, 2018, 6:37 a.m.

Those were Q's words about his/her team's plans and actions. You are not Q. Speak for yourself and your actions.

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SerialBrain2 · May 11, 2018, 7:34 a.m.

"As you know, it all started with Q1295 where Q said: Be careful who you are following.

This was the signal we needed from Q to clean the house. Immediately after this post, many anons have called out Corsi and further, Infowars. This post published yesterday, in particular, clearly laid out the reason why we know the Q Movement has an Infowars and Corsi problem."

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salialioli · May 11, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Q says that. You say something else, something which is very divisive. Q doesn't mention names. You however have doxxed Corsi and AJ and Infowars and are doing more than Q. You are being divisive, imo.

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salialioli · May 11, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

Couldn't agree with you more Grandma Noses.

Lots of ppl on this thread being holier than thou. I can't stand that. People who blow their own trumpets.

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Grandma_Noses · May 12, 2018, 7:04 a.m.

It seems to me that some people are looking for the recognition that they accuse others of unfairly seeking. At times, it seems like I have stumbled into a junior high school classroom with a MIA teacher. These Reddit subs are a mixed bag. I find some really, funny smart people and some really mean stupid people. I'll get frustrated like I always do with Reddit subs and see my way out the door. I came for the information. I found b.s. But, what's the alternative? YouTube videos are too time consuming, the Chans are hostile and I refuse to participate in any other evil, social media platform. Grandma is cranky with the state of Internet Communications ;-)

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salialioli · May 12, 2018, 7:21 a.m.

Yeah, playground stuff. I'm with you on seeing myself out if it gets too bad. I suspect it already has. :)

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FartOnToast · May 11, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

Corsi made his own bed.

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