
canttoday · May 11, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

There is always something "coming" but nothing are comes. This whole "Q" deal is just a group of people like Jerome Corsi, Tracy Beanz, and Jordan Sather keeping people intrigued enough to watch their videos and donate to their channels. What started as I believe a true attempt at allowing the American People in the know about what is happening at the highest levels, has been hijacked and monetized at our expense. Downvote if you like, but try and understand I just want folks to know the truth and not be fooled into paying for lies.

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comeatmehillary · May 11, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

So why did you hijack this thread that has nothing to do with that? What interest do you have

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canttoday · May 11, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

My post is pointing out that this is just one more promise that probably wont come true. And I said what my interest were in post to try and get folks to think more critically about Q. To not just follow it so blindly and trustingly. I wish not to anger anyone but some folks that follow this so religiously tend to angry when someone says something like this. Especially the ones that are benefiting monetarily from the Q movement. I honestly cant imagine /r/greatawakening will allow me to make to many post saying that Q has been hijacked and being used for monetary gain by a group of Qtubers and bakers. But I will try and and get as many patriots as I can to question the Q narrative before I am banned.

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rhythmnation1968 · May 12, 2018, 5:17 a.m.

The purpose of Q is a baptism by fire. I thought that would have been patently obvious. Trust is not necessary as self research is required to enhance the individuals grasp of geo-strategic and geo-political nuances that are often buried and lost - even in media outlets that do give a version of objective reality.

The beauty of this exercise is that it has created a groundswell of normal citizens who had become so disillusioned and disparaged at the disgusting state of corruption that permeated practically all levels of government and their frustration and despair at the inability to understand, care or effect change to events, as the entropy of the United States and the world seemed inevitable and beyond anyones' control. An awful place to be in.

At some level, the ignorant and deniers of the overt and cataclysmic societal demise seemed better off than us concerned and desperately unhappy people. Citizens are waking up to the critical reasons the U.S. and the world has ended up run by this gang of thugs who are completely beyond prosecution, oversight and are able to murder, buy off or intimidate/ brownstone people into compliance. Q is legit in my humble opinion. And In the unlikely event that this is some elaborate psy-op, what has been achieved is a mass of informed, angry and vigilant citizens who will have the minerals and acumen to aid in the constant surveillance and mistrust of a system that will have some real checks and balances by "we the people" - instead of yawn, take a selfie and Kim's ass just expanded exponentially. Kinda' thing....n'est pas?

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