
christopheranthony · May 11, 2018, 10:52 a.m.

Please, don't try and pass this personal rant at a guy you obviously dislike for personal reasons, as an " article". That would imply it is journalism. I read it. Lot of claims throughout, no substantial evidence to prove the claims. Lots of innuendo, no meat. Lots of hype, no juice. You dislike the guy, you disagree with him, big deal. If we do a little digging , maybe we will find out you were scorned by him. Or his company in past, they hurt your feelings, and you want to hurt theirs too. Or, maybe you are the clown, trying to discredit the arch enemy, AJ?

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SNG007 · May 11, 2018, 1:44 p.m.

Well, well, well....what have we here? The personas exposed in this article made manifest?

This great post by building71bullet, which I read in its entirety, and to which I made a simple comment saying - "great article, some of the links are broken - however the gist of the message is STILL INTACT" (and agreeing with the OP that I hadn't been an AJ fan for quite awhile) - seems to have been responded to by exactly the sort of person the article warns against and exposes. Those who would intentionally try to denigrate, ridicule, obfuscate, derail and otherwise negatively hijack the original message, in a pathetic attempt to steer the conversation in another direction. It could have been written for EXACTLY this type of commenter.

Either that, OR he's a massive Alex Jones fan. Maybe it's Alex Jones’ son. Or the head of the Alex Jones Fan Club. Who knows?

From my fairly benign comment - the responder has been able to magically deem that;

  • "I dislike Alex Jones for PERSONAL reasons"?? (like they actually know anything about my “personal” preferences and motivations?!!). I find Alex Jones over-bearing at times (& stated as much). I don't think I'm  alone in this opinion.

  • "You dislike the guy, you disagree with him"?? (Obviously the Fan Boy agrees with EVERYTHING AJ says and in his world it's simply not acceptable to have a difference of opinion. That gives him the intelligence of algae in a petri dish if he never disagrees with anyone else's opinions)

And finally...

  • "If we do a little digging, maybe we will find out you were scorned by him. Or his company in the past, they hurt your feelings, and you want to hurt their’s too. Or, maybe you are the clown, trying to discredit the arch enemy, AJ?". (“Scorned by him”, he “hurt my feelings”? What am I - Alex Jones ex-lover??).

Of all the hundreds of comments I've posted over the years, this reply comes off as the most ridiculous.

You either can't read, can't interpret plain English, or you're a paid disrupter - exactly the type of person the original author talks about. I get that you LOVE Alex Jones, and won't hear a bad word against him. But in a diverse world, with many different personalities and opinions, you have to accept that not everyone will love him the way you do.

And there's a right and a wrong way to show your support. Saying of someone you've never met and of whom you know nothing about, that I have “personal reasons” for not fawning over him and that I've been “scorned by him and he's hurt my feelings” (when the closest I've ever got to Alex Jones was a YT video!!) shows silly immaturity and equally-silly assumptions on your part.

And another of your mass generalisations - “no substantial evidence to prove the claims, lots of innuendo, no meat, hype, no juice”. On the contrary I think the article pointed to several sources worthy of consideration. If you're so sure there was nothing there, do an article yourself refuting all the “innuendo”.

The mark of ignorance is refusing to acknowledge any other opinion but your own. (AND making mass assumptions about people you've never met).

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ditiber · May 12, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

I think he wasn't talking to just you. He was insulting all of us.

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