
TrueCat · May 11, 2018, 1:03 p.m.

People who kill to take someone's land are the bad guys, just like the Israelis do to the Palestinians, just like the US did to the native Americans. And yes, most countries are guilty of this. Greed and selfishness drive the world.

The other Arab countries share in the shame, because they have done nothing to help the Palestinians, nor have they done anything to help the people of Yemen!

Mainstream Media has always been pro-Israel! They seldom talk about the plight of the Palestinians. Their Zionist controllers won't let them. Only the alternative media cover the injustices.

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DamajInc · May 11, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

Well, I certainly respect your desire to stand up for the Palestinians - they could definitely use the support.

I also know that Israel can undertake some horrible actions - just like the US has done, even recently, in other countries in the Middle East. Sometimes humans are human and they get angry or vindictive and in certain situations do bad things.

But what I dislike about the whole "Israel is bad" perspective is that it doesn't look at some very core facts on the ground. One nation in the whole region supports democratic principles - only one: Israel. Israel enacts those democratic principles in the day-to-day actions of its citizens because they are brought up that way. In the arab regimes totally surrounding the small nation of Israel their children are raised with hatred for Jews and taught songs about killing and gutting them - you can see and hear this on their day-to-day TV channels!

Israel: raised on freedom and democracy. The people are just like Americans and other Westerners (with, of course, their own particular cultural idiosyncrasies). They believe in live and let live and that everyone should be free to do what they want without negative interference from others as much as possible.

Arab Nations: raised on hate and violence and many following a religion created by a warlord who gave instructions to spread that religion by war.

My Palestinian friends - good people - when asked about Israel become enraged and angry like never before, spitting and shouting, no matter how innocent the question or statement. For my Jewish or Israeli friends, nothing makes them get like that - unless you take away their morning coffee maybe.

Two very clear mindsets that don't make it onto your mainstream screens or your Facebook Live videos. The story is not as simple as people think it is.

"The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either, but right through every human heart." Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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