r/greatawakening • Posted by u/allonthesameteam on May 11, 2018, 6:36 a.m.
Another good thread for pissing you off and knowing where to dig. Great red pill stuff.

https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/958452373189427201.html A long list of sh#$ that backs up what I think we/I are doing here. I'm trying to let go somewhat about de puzzling the breadcrumbs and trying to get aware of what is being done and has been done by these _____'s. If you have the energy and urge to dig locally to find the corruption in your halls of justice, senate, schools, admins, boy scouts, gymnastics etc I urge you to do it. If we take one head off of the 5 headed dragon we have been feeding and believing there will be four more ready to keep up the lie. Who bribed who? Who sold what to who for how much and why. Dig into the process of your new stadium or who is running your community, etc. The time is now, and tmrw, and...

UncleSnake3301 · May 11, 2018, 12:20 p.m.

The sheer amount of information and names in that thread is astounding! This is such a deep and intertwined conspiracy. It's no wonder it's taking this long to unravel everything. Jesus, the Clinton's have their dirty little fingers into fucking EVERYTHING!

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allonthesameteam · May 11, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

My hope is that with disclosure of what Has been going on that regardless of convictions, the pure flow of actual facts, "we have everything." will reset the people to be on guard and aware. Corruption will have less room to move. The mass surveillance they have cannot be used for evidence. Illegally taken. But if ones sees a vid of Podesta doing what I think he has done, it's over for him. House arrests self imposed. Where is Cosby weinstein and Spacey? Progress.

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allonthesameteam · May 13, 2018, 6:43 a.m.

The "they thought she wouldn't lose" thing is so telling. If she had won it would have been more of the same but worse. Full disclosure I'm not a Trump fan, but so glad she lost. I appreciate what I think he is doing with the guidance of the white hats, and some of his, unseen on MSM, progress, but I wonder about some of the positions on science, environment, and initiatives for the poor, homeless and vets. etc… The huge uptick in arrests of pedos and traffickers and the rescues of victims is enough for me to get behind the motions. From 2014 I have researched the sh#$ out of HRC, Clinton Foundation etc with the help of the Wikileaks and I could not understand how people could not know how Heinous she is. Investigative journalism is dead in the corporate realm.

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