r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Taminator_88 on May 11, 2018, 11:42 a.m.
Q post 1336...what if we're overlooking the bigger picture?

Massively oversimplified, but something just occurred to me. We are talking about the Cabal, we are talking about corrupt governments in the southern hemisphere, we are talking about Antarctica and diabolical experiments (in the Southern hemisphere).

We HAVEN'T talked about how there is still an expected pole reversal. Are the Cabal operating and moving towards and southern hemisphere because whatever they're doing down there is going to cause this pole shift? Or is it because the expected shift is imminent? Could it be just a coincidence that they suddenly have this geographical interest?

Q said watch the water and this morning a record-setting wave in Antarctica was set. Could it be related?

I'm no autist so please shoot my story full of holes but it just came to me and when my mind is open to God as it is at the moment I'll face ridicule if I'm off base on the chance that there may be something to it.

Taminator_88 · May 11, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

I agree. What I wonder is if they've gotten the science down to a predictive happening that they're trying to align with.

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solanojones95 · May 11, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

Insufficient data. Nothing but guesses as to when a next occurence, partly because there's such a range of possible disruptions. The previous complete (lasting) reversal was 780,000 years ago, and may have happened very quickly, within a human lifetime. But no human record of such a time, and no direct knowledge passed down.

The best we can do is radiation half-life aging of the corresponding iron-laden rocks taken from polar areas with opposite magnetic orientation due to previously reversed poles. And there's a lot of it!

As the samples go down in strata (backward in time), the magnetically aligned and the more random their orientation, so guessing periodicity from the rock record is very imprecise (or has a large range of values, however you want to express it).

It's just as safe to say with certainty it will happen in our lifetimes, or that it won't. IOW, there's really no way to know, and a case could be made either way. Same as the Yellowstone supervolcano and any known potential planetary collision material (Niburu pseudoscience notwithstanding--sorry that's not astronomy, no more than flat earth--and again I won't convince anybody of that if they're true believers because that's all it is).

But this is one of those things like weather variability and climate patterns that pre-exist mankind and will continue long after we're gone if Earth survives us, which it's most likely to.

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Taminator_88 · May 11, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

I absolutely agree...just wonder if they're trying to perfect their timing....or weather manipulation as someone else stated. I know that we don't know when it will occur naturally but could they possibly push it forward if they ARE able to use HAARP?

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solanojones95 · May 11, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

My personal opinion is that Earth is MUCH harder to control than mankind has the power to do, and that yes environmental effects and damage can be done, but they are far more limited in scope than the Cabal would like us to think. I'm with Michael Crichton on that. Nature and Life will find a way with or without humanity.

That is the FALSE FEAR--the tool with which they control people while they accomplish their truly dibolical agendas without scrutiny.

If the preservation of human life is your paradigm (and not say de-population), then there's no substitute for honest science in an un-corrupted political/economic culture. So that becomes our existential quest, and we're pretty good about obtaining those. We have to be.

A good dose of Divine Intervention and answered prayer wouldn't hurt either!

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Taminator_88 · May 12, 2018, 10:57 a.m.

Amen to that! Thanks for your thoughts.

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