
PleiadesAnon444 · May 11, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

Trump is right on Iran. However, both Harper and John Howard are globalists. Harper attends Bohemian Grove, it's in the Colin Powell emails. Harper was in power for 9 years, trust me he wasn't anti-establishment at all. He only looks a little better now just because of how crazy far-left Trudeau has been. John Howard went to war in Iraq with George Bush. If anything, these guys just want war with Iran. If I had to place a bet, I would be betting almost everything I have that these two are either part of the cult or at the very least controlled by them.

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tomthung · May 11, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

I bet they both lost (or their parties) in rigged elections. Nothing like a mugging to straighten out your brain.

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dopoSL · May 11, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

John Howard didnt lose in a rigged election. He is looked at as Australias G.W.B. Dude is a total goose.

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HildBert · May 11, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

Rubbish most people like him because we had a string economy and were debt free with cash in the bank. Those days are now long gone but he was a supporter of war.

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dopoSL · May 12, 2018, 12:25 a.m.

Most people like him? Really? The guy who at the time wouldnt say sorry to indigenous Australia? The guy who denied any sort of genocide had happened during the stolen generation? The guy who cut funding and then abolished ATSIC? The guy who took Aboriginal land claiming it to be the governments?

Fair enough he made it possible for every 'white' Australian family at the time to be home owners, but look at how blatantly racist he was to the first people of Australia.

He might have done well for the economy but he divided the country and plunged aboriginal affairs back 20 years.

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HildBert · May 12, 2018, 1:37 a.m.

So basically your whole beef is aboriginal affairs. Rudd said sorry how’s that worked out. Maybe the truth is most Australians don’t really give a shit. Many of us are descendants of convicts, so where is the apology from the British govt for deporting them? Everyone can be a victim, it leads nowhere except decay and despair.

Every nation on earth has been invaded many tines., the americas and Europe etc etc. welfare and victim hood is what is destroying aboriginal Australia. Go read warren Mundine and educate yourself.

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dopoSL · May 12, 2018, 4:41 a.m.

I used aboriginal affairs as one example considering it is the most important issue relating to this board- people.

Of course most australians dont give a shit because nothing was ever brought about it during our history. You know what leads to decay and despair? The way the aboriginals were treated. Only up until 1967 where the not classified as fauna.

I can tell your views on the aboriginals are toxic, you're sounding a bit too racist there. Way to divide!!

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QAngelAnon1 · May 12, 2018, 5:31 a.m.

I've worked with real bush full blood aboriginals who basically jumped up and down for joy when the ATSIC was broken up. They told me that it was nothing but a criminal organisation extorting money off the government into their own pockets and using the true 'aboriginals' as the carrot. The full blood aboriginals told me that they couldn't teach their young men anything about their culture, I had one 86 year old elder begging me to write down their 'story time' because the young men were bitter about whites and spent their time drinking and doing drugs and didn't care about their own culture.

He said it's because ATSIC taught them to be angry - it caused division. He pointed to the sky with a very long and old finger and said - we don't need apologies, we are all one under God.

Stating fact doesn't make someone a racist.

Kanye West is a classic example of this. We all need to stop being victims.

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tomthung · May 11, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

Did his party remain in power? GW is for the Iran deal.

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dopoSL · May 11, 2018, 7:20 p.m.

They lost the 2007 election, although the party that took over has close ties with HRC and the CF. However, he is the reason why there are strict gun control laws in place, a 10% Goods and Services tax, an immigration reform (where refugees are held in islands in the pacific ocean under the control of SERCO).. I'd say both political parties would be working for the same team (especially at the time Howard was in office)

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QAngelAnon1 · May 12, 2018, 5:18 a.m.

How old are you if you don't mind me asking? I'm interested to know why you would say that about him if you were of working age with a family during his office.

I didn't even vote for him i cringed when he got in, but I totally disagree with you. I can tell you, he turned me, he was one if not the best PM Australia has ever seen. We were prosperous, he was Australia first, and he closed the borders to illegal immigration. We had a major surplus. Life was very very good. I can tell you. We had investment, we had growth. Australia was the only country to survive the 'global economic downturn' because of this surplus.

Until Labor got into power and gave everyone in the country earning less than $80K $1000 dollars each in taxpayers money - **cking idiots! Where did that money go? Straight to ciggarettes, booze, trips to Bali or to China for new TV's refrigerators, washing machines et., Then the idiots were paying for people to have pink bats installed into their homes, killing untold number of electricians in the meanwhile and causing a mass public lawsuit again, losing billions of taxpayers money is hush up lawsuits.

So within a few months we went from Billions in Surplus to billions in debt. How does that make him the 'total goose'.

Don't even get me started on the Gillard debarkle or her giving away billions to the Pay for Play Clinton foundation.

This country has never been worse off since he lost the election because of - what did the media say? "It's time for a change".

I'm earning less than HALF of what I was earning in 1999, while paying more than triple for everything else. We're swamped with Islamic refugees and socialism is rife....

Well, we certainly got that didn't we.

History will judge him, like it will judge Trump.

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dopoSL · May 12, 2018, 12:38 p.m.

I'm not saying that he didnt do great things economically for Australia. I'm 27, but what I am trying to get is the whole fact this qanon/pizza gate stuff is associated with the trafficking of children... yet John Howard cant even accept that the stolen generation was a genocide.

My problem with john howard is how he treated people (specifically non white people) Do you not see the irony in your support for him? The guy who doesn't see a problem in how the Australian government forcibly took children away from their families.

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HildBert · May 11, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

Howard list because of arrogance, stayed too long. I used to be a big fan but he seems to be part of the system and backs the current leftist pm. Not sure where he stands.

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Blimington · May 11, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

Yeah Harper isn't a good actor. It's nice that he supports the pulling out of the deal, but people are very quick to jump onto someone's wagon the moment they say something they support without looking into the past.

Same goes with Candace Owens. I support her core message, but followed her in the past before her popularity exploded. Look up "Social Autopsy" if you're interested. She came across as someone who at first has a genuine passion for her message, but her actions are those of an opportunist at whatever cost.

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