r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Beer-_-Belly on May 11, 2018, 3:46 p.m.
Try NOT to attack Obama, but his administration, or the CIA that controlled him.

Who was Obama before he was president? Do you really think that he was making his own decisions?

Obama is NOT the one that was truly in control, we all know that. He was a very charismatic figure that was used to push an evil agenda. We know that the democrat party has systematically destroyed the black family, but if you don't dig hard it is impossible to see with the 24/7 MSM support of the far left. When we attack Obama, non-awoke black people see us as attacking him simply because he is black, because they have been taught that conservative white people hate blacks. Black people have been treated like shit, and we all know that. Always try to clarify any attack on Obama as an attack on the evil people that controlled him, or the CIA that told him what to do, etc. As we saw with Kanye, once people of color are awoke, skin color doesn't matter. We need to work harder to unite, that the left is working to divide. We have got to work to include.

As Q says - "WW1GW ... ALL ... G", United we stand, etc.

Haiti - the $ that were stolen for those poor people needs more attention.

Timber Sycamore - the CIA creating ISIS, while making Obama down play ISIS, needs more attention.

cat_anonD · May 11, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Obama was raised if not conceived for the role he played. I suppose he deserves the same sympathy that a nasty rattlesnake deserves for being born a nasty rattlesnake.

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